
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:21:11
Do they have any baseballs改为单数形式 My mother usually does the homework by herself.同意句( )( )your mother usually do the housework? There isn't ______ beef here.Could you get _______ for me?some,someany,anysome,anyany,some There isn’t _____ water in the glass.Could you get_____ for me?A.any,some B.some,some C.any,any D.some,any “以末致财,以本守之”啥意思. 律己以服人,倾财足以聚人, 丁财两旺什么意思谢谢~~~ 女人兴财绵远什么意思? 坦克战群 THE TANKS ARE COMING怎么样 The Saints Are Coming 歌词 CARMEN 这个西班牙文名怎样翻译为中文和阿拉伯文? 残阳 用西班牙文和阿拉伯文怎么写呀?速求 be to do & be about to do的区别 want to tell you :study hard and make progress every day! 我家养的鱼 大鱼缸 最近几天鱼都趴到鱼缸地下不动 跟死了一样 很少动 就趴在鱼缸左下角 如题鱼=锦鲤 鱼缸是1米半×2米 鱼全部集中在崩那里不动 而且水总发混 昨天死了一条 今天又死了一 ___time,he'll make a first-class tennis player.A Having given B .To give C .Giving D,Given bbox 非洲鼓 里的无气R是吸气摩擦吗,还是往外带气摩擦 属羊人最适合佩戴什么饰品 he assured us that he would be no better served by a fitness program tnan by learning to bridge他要我们相信,健身活动并不比学打桥牌对他有用..better是well的比较级吗,served是过去分词转化的形容词吗,served能改成us 把下面的句子补充完整?谢谢蓝天的天上飘着的浮云像什么,映在还乡河上,像什么 财多什么树大什么树老什么人老什么 树老根须多, 同是做生意人,隔壁家的总是把他家的车放在我店门口,挡我财的吗?有什么办法对付这种事吗?他们一家总是欺负人!可 我每天坐公车也不骑车啊.我也想过用同样的方法对付她家的. No one would have dreamed of ________ such a good place英语选择No one would have dreamed of ________ such a good placeA.there is B.there to be C.there being D.there was说理由 为什么选D?p2 11 the journey that () change toby's life started in July that year a would b was going to c was about to d was to 纹身文字的含义 “I am not belong to anyone!I don't have to be changed for anyone! you don't to respect and fear anyone 《英语口语交际王》MP3资源今天收到了网购的书《英语口语交际王》(大连理工大学出版社,2008年10月),却发现寄过来的书附带的MP3光盘开裂了.悲剧!挺看好这书的.卖家说可以退货,但是我不 找日常英语MP3就是最简单的一些日常对话之类的,想练练听力 日常英语MP3格式的从零开始学的~ 英语翻译I Believe I Can Fly is a nice song by R.Kelly.This song tells us that confidence is very important.When a person has confidence,he believes in himself.He believes that he can will succeed,and this gives him the courage to try new things.D