
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:16:34
雅思口语怎么描述小时候的玩具 求一首歌名 do do do i need some money money是一个男声唱的,快歌,旋律很好听,大概是近一个月内的新歌. 朝花夕拾读后感的题目怎样命名好呢? Can i borrow ____money from you?Sure,How ____ do you need?英语Can i borrow ____money from you?Sure,How ____ do you need?A.some,many B.some,much C.a few,much D.a little,many 解决111111题目改错.1who run faster than you in your class?2I often go jog after school/3Lets visit Ming Tombs together 英语题目111111@##@###@@@@@@@@#I couldn't go out that evening, for I________to wait for my friend at home.(agree) 111111鉴定废液中一定含有硫酸的方法,除了用ph试纸!另外:向废液中滴加氢氧化钠溶液证明有硫酸.则实验现象是什么? She never feels (bore),when she is with her cousin,but she feels (happy)when she reads a (bore)bookHe plays the piano (good).His parents think he's very (music) "Are these enough for you all " “————”.A .Much more B.Many more C.More many D.Too much为什么是用many more 而不是much more -Are the enough for you all?-I'm afraid ________are needed.空填much more 为什么? these,are,easy,for,questions,you,to,enough,answer连词成句 are these enough for both of you.i'm afraid not.( )are neededAmuchmoreBmanymoreCmoremanyDtoomuch答案是什么?并分析它们之间的区别!谢谢! 高一英语选择题5-15 you need money and time;in additon , you need diligence to do the work well 问题如下diligence 不是 名词 勤奋的意思吗? 为什么后面 有to do ,周报原句就是这样写的,是否错了? 朝花夕拾读后感1000字,不要复制的!不要写得太太太太深,3Q 朝花夕拾 读后感 600字左右 不要重复的 古文伤仲永的问题金溪民方仲永,世隶耕.仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之.父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名.其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之.自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆 He didn`t like listening to music before.(写出同义句)He ___ ___ to ____ listening to music. He liked listening to music before,but now he doesn't like it.(改为同义句) Steve liked listening to music before,but now he doesn't like it.(改为同义句) Steve _______to______listening to music. Most of the Europeans refuse to accept GM food____ Americans regard it as the fruit from high tech.A.when B.as C.while D.the moment 请分析句子成分并翻译 .说清楚点哈, 高一英语必修一课后题,##{帮我填一下空吧} 拜托了了了啦// 世说新语陈太丘与友期1.友人“下车引之”的用意是什么2.“元方入门不顾”以表示 陈太丘与友期是世说新语的第几则 已知P(m+1,2m+3)在y轴上,那么点P坐标是多少.(请说明过程) 已知点(2m+4,m-1),分别根据下列条件求P的坐标 点P在过点A(2,-3)且与x轴平行的直线上 为什么李小龙(李振藩)的英文名叫Bruce.Lee,而一些普通人只能是拼音?我叫冉瑞文,有什么特别的名吗? 请帮我取一个不错的英文名 李小龙叫布鲁斯李 BRUCE LEE 我也想要个不错的 英文名字 我的怎么是 黄钲富 、 Bruce Lee 一生的概括,用简单的英语,不shaoyu 70 zi ,简单的概括一 xiaChinese yeyaoxie xia lai Bruce Lee是谁? 为什么李小龙LEE,不用LI?李小龙的“李”用英文写出来是“LEE” “张”用英文写出来是“cheung” 比如NBA尼克斯有个队员叫大卫.李 他的名字是Lee ,David 那么 郭GUO着个字,用英文可以是什么呢 第11题,X2三次方 是为什么