
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:53:06
在两种文化的夹缝之中 英语怎么说 “相同”的英文单词是相同这个词! 古代描写睡衣是用什么词? The girl sitting next to me was my cousin.  →The girl who was sitting next to me was my cousinThe girl who sat next to me was my cousin可以转换成这两句定语从句吗 睡衣拿英语怎么说 句子改错 today i didn't get up as usuallyin the morning ,after i finished my homewoyk Today is sundy.I didn't get up early as usually.改错 a,happy,trip作文开头给出‘today,was,sunday,we,got,up,early 补充对话:A:Morning!You are early today.B:You are ( ),too.A:What ( ) ( )you usually get up? There's a doll next to the next to the desk next to the desk 的意思快啊` 汉语语法和英语语法类似么,异同之处是多还是少咱们中国就不学语法直接对话,我英语语法不好感觉语法书也不是很好理解,想通过看看有关汉语语法的书来理解英语语法, The girl ,as well as the boys,_ finished_homework.A,has;her B,have;her C,has;their D,have;their 18.Has Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea,But he ______ it the whole afternoon.A.would do B.was doing C.did D.had done Has Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea,But he ______ it the whole afternoon.A.would do B.was doing C.did D.had done望详解.只提供答案的就不要解释了.那么A项如何排除? Some trouble in English同义句转换Amy is an inspiration to us allAmy___all___us 求翻译 Place the grown Red Branches next to the Table Plant The dressing table is next to the bed. the table is( next to the cupboard).提问 英语翻译1.我们班正在上英语课2.你正在读报吗?3.你在哪里游泳呢?4.Lucy and Lily在干什么?5.谢谢你的晚餐5.这是你的一些T—shirts6.你想去看电视吗?7.第一节课上语文,第二节课上数学,下一节课上 promise sb sth 和 promise sb to 怎样理解“promise sb.to do 中的do 的动作由主语发出”. promise sb.to do sth.中to do sth 为什么做OC而不做DO?OC为宾语补足语,DO为直接宾语 promise sb to do 和 allow sb to do 的区别 37、有以下程序 int a=2; int f(int *a) {return (*a)++;} main( ) { int s=0; { int a=5; s+=f(&a); } s+答案为什么是C,37、有以下程序 int a=2; int f(int *a) {return (*a)++;} main( ) { int s=0; { int a=5; s+=f(&a); } s+=f(&a); printf("%d\n 下面程序的时间复杂度为 int f(int n) { if(n==0||n==1) return 1; else return n*f(n-1); } 16、下面程序的运行结果是:int f( int a[],int n) { if(n>1) return a[0]+f(&a[1],n-1); else return a麻烦说明过程16、下面程序的运行结果是:int f( int a[],int n){ if(n>1) return a[0]+f(&a[1],n-1);else return a[0];}main ( ){ i int fm(int a,int b) {if(b==1)return a; else return a+fm(a,b-1); } main( ) { printf("%d\n",fm(4,3)) enjoying,enjoyed这一类后加ing/ed哪个是修饰人的?哪个是修饰物的? 英文句子中的谓语怎么看比如:我写的字很漂亮那谓语是不是写的.主语是我.宾语是字很漂亮 Three more我想问哈 three more