
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:15:05
年轻的爸爸和他的儿子一起在后花园放风筝.小小的园地,小小的风筝.小小的风筝飞呀飞的,就飞到了墙头上.墙头上的野花,把风筝紧紧地缠着.于是爸爸说,必须去拿一架梯子来,然后爬上梯子,取 给困难起名字 1.本文层次分明,请你找出能够体现课文层次的标志性语句.2.通读全文,找出能体现文章中心的一句话.3.请说说你对下面这句话的理解.这世上有许多困难原本是算不上困难的,仅仅 who-----(like)doing shopping on sundays,快like适当形式 I'd like the coat on the left(对画线部分提问) 亚洲水牛是什么动物? 亚洲野牛的野生天敌有哪些? 野生亚洲水牛主要栖息于怎样的自然环境中? Tigers , for e____ , run, jump, play with their chidren.分给谁呢? 判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正:Is it his,also? His schoolbag is ready,too.把这句用also改写 消费者权利作为一种基本人权,是( )的重要组成部分:A.生存权 B.发展权 C.自由权 D.受教育权告诉我为什么啊是单选啊 对世界各国来说,生存权和发展权是最基本的人权,这句话对吗? He usually --fishing on Sundays.But last Sunday he-- mountains 怎么填空 The sun()(make)the plants()(strong). 鲁滨逊 ROBINSON CRUSOE怎么样 the target disk does not have engough free The destination you selected does not have 8000MB of space available Please select a different destination这是怎末回事怎末解决 But no promises for tomorrw,Only time will tell Will a dictiongary tell you how a word is pro-nounced? tell me you jump i jump i believe sometimes I truly connect with someone who I would never have met otherwise---as I did with Nelie.otherwise在这里是怎么用的,为什么用would never have met,去掉would可以吗? 请你对当地名牌老店在公私合营的情况进行调查并之为例说说国家是怎样对资本主义工商业进行社会主义的改造请你对当地名牌老店在公私合营的情况进行调查 并之为例说说国家是怎样对资 When will you come to China again?这句话有什么错误吗? i hope you've had pleasant journey and will come to China again.改错,答案是pleasant变成pleased journey ,我想把它变为pleasing, 日本侵略者对中国人民犯下了哪些滔天的罪恶? 日本侵略者对中华民族犯下了哪些罪恶? 石头“带着中国人民的仇恨”,你知道日本侵略中国人民犯下了哪些滔天的罪恶? who is also unable to waite for who Perhaps the word i may also forget ,It is not willing to lose your news ( )have people done to their environment?A,what B,when C,where D,which Except you,who is also unable to swim across my love 什么运动鞋是年轻人最喜欢的现在什么款式的运动鞋是年轻人最喜欢的