
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:20:18
如何调整LED的波长 Let us go and find LED发光出来的波长?波长,这个概念怎么理解,请通俗或者形象的解释下? 初一英语My brother has two soccer balls.Let's go to find him.原题是中译英:我的哥哥有两个足球.咱们去找他吧.My brother has two soccer balls.Let's go to find him.这样翻译对吗? 红色LED波长是多少? 一个葡萄专业户,计划在两年间内把葡萄产量提高69%,如果每年比上一年提高的百分数相同,求这个百分数.是一元二次方程. 那里有代做作业 3.4×7×1.5的简便方法 3.4×7×1.5请用简便方法计算 My little brother is very ____(bore) ,and I don't like him at all.新目标七年级下册 Unit 4 《轻巧夺冠》P27 波长与颜色为什么单纯的某个波长的光是一个颜色,另外两种波长的光按一定比例混合后也可以呈这种颜色?比如,紫光波长比红、蓝光都短,但红、蓝光混合后却呈紫色?还有,为什么光的三基色 l,my,has,brother,a,ball,soccer,but,don't Children用does还是do啊?my brother? 英语语法,是I run faster than my brother还是I run faster than my brother doesI run faster than my brother does肯定是对的,但是I run faster than my brother我也见到过, 已知数列an的前n项和为sn,且对任意正整数n都有an是n与sn的等差中项(1)bn=an+1,求bn 已知数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,且对任意正整数n都有an是n与Sn的等差中项.(1)若bn=an+1,求数列{bn}的通项公式.(2)若cn=2n+1/bn,数列{cn}的前n项和为Tn,求证:Tn (a b c)*(a平方 b平方 c平方-ac-bc-ca)有没有简便方法 i am going to be late for school .there are _____buese on this routea too few b too litte c too many d too much 一般人解不出来过点P(a,b)作两条直线l1,l2,斜率分别为1,-1,已知l1与圆o1:(x+2)^2+(y-2)^2=2交于不同的两点AB,l2与圆o2:(x-3)^2+(y-4)^2=2交于不同两点CD,且|AB|=|CD|、(1)求a,b满足的约束条件 没有人会解? 一道至今没人解出来的题!有二十四个点,把这些点用直线连起来,点和点不能交叉,线不能重合,不能斜着画( / )我每次连都只有一个空着,一个都不能少啊!示意图:.....只有二十四个点那- -你的图 有没有人解出七桥问题 1.The key to the success of any film is finding a capable and qualified artistic director,_____I always hope to be.A.who B.that C.what D.which D (为什么不选A)2.I gave that boy so difficult a math problem ____ he couldn’t work out.A.that B.wh (请解释明白选正确答案的原因,以及错误选项的原因)谢谢!--Does your car require______,sir?--Yes.I require that it _____right now.A.washing; is washed B.being washed; be washed C.to be washed; is washed D.washing; be washed i’m going to m_____to a new school空格里填什么 将7.8gNA2O2溶解在92.2g水中,所得的溶液中溶质的质量分数是多少? And l just want you to know,I'm here for you.中文意思是什么 Look at these three groups of letters.They get together in the same way.Please put letters Q,X and Z in the proper blanks.1.H I O ( ) 2.N S ( ) 3.J L G ( ) 人解决问题的思维过程 Love is really not a good thing really good hobby love 的意思?急、 I really good love you,Unfortunately,you do not understand me