
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:24:02
takes me about two hours to do my homework every day的同意句 x的立方-1等于多少 It takes about two hours for John to do his homework every day."takes"改为“costs”行吗 长方形周长18cm,它的边长x,y是整数,且满足x平方-2xy+y平方-2x+2y+1=0 以欣赏为话题的作文 题目最好是双关语 that letter is one of Tom father's .这个句子对么? We are sure that Tom is the tallest of ________.A.his brothers \x05B.the brothers\x05C.any brother\x05D.all brothers答案是B为什么?A C D 为什么错 解方程 要过程! 速度来800x+280000\x-31200=0谢谢 最好过程详细一点 (x+2)(x的平方-2x)=x的三次方-8 英语翻译343322913atq q.c om 打广告的就别来了。 She is a TV reporter. 下面的英语求解释The reason why Zhou Jing chose to learn French is that she thinks that France is a good country for her to go to for further study. 抛物线y=(m-2)xx+2x+(mm-4)的图像经过原点,则m= 1 there () lots of fish in this river years ago A were B was CareD is 2 when and where to build the new factory () yet A is not decided Bare not decided Chas not decided D have not decided我觉得C好像是对的3 Will you stay for supper sorry,I () 若5a的x次方乘b的3次方与-0.2的3次方乘b的y次方是同类项,则x= y= 6a²-4ab-4(2b²+0.5ab)=?怎么算 1.It is a good habit for children to s____ the floor every day.2.There are many l___ in Tai`an city.3.Sometimes I h____ to do the dishes.下列单词的比较级和最高级:1.good ___ ____ 6.friendly ______ _____2.bad ___ ____ 7.comfortable _____ Every mother's child is handsome是甚么意思 若正比例函数y=kx经过点(m,-2)和(-9,2m),且y随x的增大而减小,则函数解析式为 正比例函数y=kx,当x=5时,y= - 2 ,则这个函数的解析式为 every time every time ohoh 歌名叫什么 It takes sb.sometime to do sth.的反疑疑问句怎么写比如,It takes you 3 days to finish the work,其反疑疑问句是什么 It takes sb sometime to do something .同义句是什么 Every child can be his dream come true每个孩子都可以使他的梦想成为现实 英文翻译 Every child make his dream come true.为什么不是comes 已知a2-b2=8b,且sinAcosC+3cosAsinC=0已知a²-b²=8b,且sinAcosC+3cosAsinC=0,求b 已知y a2+ b2-4a-6b=0 ,求5a-10b+3 若a2+b2-2a+8b+17=0,则3(a-b)=kkkkkkkkkkkkk马上我要用!今晚要用 如图,已知y关于x的反比例函数y=1-2m/x的图像上有两点A(-3,a),B(2,b) 1.比较如图,已知y关于x的反比例函数y=1-2m/x的图像上有两点A(-3,a),B(2,b)1.比较a,b的大小2.直线y=mx与双曲线y=1-2m有交点吗?说明理由 若a根号2/a+2根号a/2+根号18a=10,试求a的值 有没有初一上历史的复习题纲? children有没有复数啊?