
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:12:24
请问:我国古代建安文学的代表--三曹指什么?^_^ 建安文学中的三曹是谁?他们是父子关系 fish是不可名词,为什么前面还可以加数词,比如,five fish 的音标) watch(ch的音标)five(v的音标)knife(kn的音标) fish(sh的音标) picture(i的音标)告告我! 词语的涵意画地为牢的意思 大家帮我写下《Let is Say No to Smoking》的英语作文,让我们对吸烟说不 的英语作文,急,求好人写, 题目在我这,发个信息就给你. Sun Wukong中文是什么意思? 建安文学的特点是内容充实 英语翻译捷克首都布拉格,位于捷克西部,坐落在拉贝河支流伏尔塔瓦河两岸,是一座美丽而古老的山城.伏尔塔瓦河像一条绿色的玉带,将城市分为两部分,古老的桥梁又将两岸巧妙地连为一体.耸 sun 小学四年级数学暑假作业P40页第2题如何解答 Would you like _ pears,please? A:any B:some C:much D:little in the computer is found game white and lost the case 将这几个单词组成一个疑问句 要求:You immediate superior,whom you admire and respect,has committed an erroe in his work and asks you to withhold some crucial information in a report you are preparing.Should you disregard him,you may jeopardise your career and your friendship 广府与南粤的区别 南粤的意思 写一篇英语短文啊!80字的!假如你叫赵明,写一封信给你的朋友李亮,告诉他你准备在假期到北京去旅游,问他是否愿意一同前往.信的内容还要包括以下内容:1.你打算去北京的时间及其方式;2. 大家帮忙写一篇英语小文章以what will you do during Oiympic Games为题,写一篇五年级水平的文章. how to say "NO"写一篇200字的英语作文问题解决型 孔子的故乡在山东哪里 What time do you begin()classes?答案上说填tohave, 一道英语题;选C Don't do such things ____you are not sure sbout A.that B.which C.as D./为什么选c不能其它项, What time do classes b______ in your school 求好心朋友帮写一篇英语作文帮我以《Advantage and disadvantage of internet》的题目写一篇英语作文,需要有中文翻译,100词以上,最好是您自己的文笔非常谢谢! 还是英语作文,人家是英语白痴啦.一个用英语写给最好朋友的贺卡 急,谁好心帮我写一篇英语作文.根据提示写一篇60词左右的文章\x0c 要求:①写一件你所经历过的印象最深刻的事\x0c ②请把时间 地点 人物 时间 按一定顺序交代清楚 Please write a short essayRequirements:1.Finishing a short essay within thirty minutes,which title is My Preference living in a Country or a City(Chose one from the two).2.The number of the words is less than 120.3.The main way of writing :Contrast would you like ()to drink,lily?i think you are thirsty.(a)everyday(b)anything(c)something(d)nothing Do not think that who you are Nothing more,nothing less tight 是么司意思谁帮蛤忙!Do not think that who you are Nothing more,nothing less tight 是么司意思谁帮蛤忙! It would prefer think nothing to think unclearly.这句话会不会有人说?就是说他有没有语病. I know nothing about the accident except what I read in the newspaper.分析句式 except 后面是什么从句