
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:51:01
马其顿首都是? 英语翻译Burbage dies on pg.12 Hedwig dies on pg.56 Mad-Eye dies on pg.78 Scrimgeour dies on pg.159 Wormtail dies on pg.471 Dobby dies on pg.476 Snape dies on pg.658 Fred Weasley dies on pg.637 Harry gets killed by Voldemort on pg.704 but comes ba 英语翻译And now Harry ,let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress,adventure. 英语翻译 Zhang long cleas his bedroom every day(用now改写) He has a School Day at his school. 改为一般疑问句 每天溜狗 He( )his ( ) ( ) ( )every day=he( ) ( ) ( )every day He _____(play) the violin every day. we have to eat vegetables, T______good for us.T____那里该写什么? The machine is not working,please ______it A.touch B.not touch C.not to touch D.don't touch 我现在已经上初二了,过了这个暑假就是初三,我发现作业真是越来越多了,我是住校生,整个晚自习(大约两个半小时)有时候都做不完全部的作业.有的时候晚自习考试,老师还不减轻作业量,真 初中生怎样布置数学作业才能更有效 sunny音标 你是我的阳光的音标 把Try on your coat改为否定句 l'd like to try on that hat.____ ____ try on that hat? try that on for size请问这句里面为什么有两个介词.他们各起什么作用. 生活中能够为自己竖起大拇指的人其实很多,请简要的举两个例子 You will never belong to me you have no lifeline.you don't belong here.you have no soul.you've never meant to be.是什么意思?是出自那部电影或是小说啊? 某物体以V1从粗糙斜面的底端沿无限向上运动……某物体以V1从粗糙斜面的底端沿无限向上运动,到了最高点后又滑下来,滑到底端的熟读为V2,已知斜面的倾角为θ,求物体与斜面间的动摩擦因数 there. were. more. wild. animals. (live.)on.the. earth. centuries Good afternoon.-----()A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good morning D.Goodbye 怎样用there be来写一篇介绍学校的作文 用“There be”写一篇不少于40词的小作文简单一点没关系,可是一定要够40词,谢谢你们了,希望可以快点 We are _____(luck) to go on a school trip next Sunday\They decided that they would go to Dalian by air next week (用动词不定式改写)、They __________________________________________Dalian next week we are going to go on 没有歌舞,维吾尔人的生活就不完整,歌舞已经成了他们日常生活的不可缺少的一部分.课文中是怎样具体描述的? “没有歌舞,维吾尔人的生活就不完整,歌舞已成了他们日常生活不可缺少的一部分”写出了维吾尔人什么特点准确点哦 为什么说没有歌舞,维吾尔人的生活就不完整? 为什么说“没有歌舞,维吾尔人的生活就不完整”? I should like totry that coat on,for I don’t know if it is my ________.A.shape B.model C.design D.size