
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:43:14
Today is Open Day.(用tomorrow改写) Tomorrow_______ ________ Open Day. Tomorrow is our_______(move) day_______(refrigerate) trucks are very useful 采气体只能用排水法收集,请你据此推测该气体的性质:一定具有的/可能具有的该气体一定具有的化学性质是什么一定具有的物理性质是什么可能具有的化学性质是什么可能具有的物理性质是 western countries在句子中是大写还是小写western countries culture 这两个词在句子中的时候w是大写还是小写,注意是在句子中,不是在句首. 如何比较两组数据的中位数,平均数,众数(只有中位数相等) my home town江苏 upvc cpvc pvdf管的析出物对比图 An important event that I remember well was __ ___________________.It happened in/on ____ _________ at /in __________________.When I heard the news of this event/ When this event happened,I was ____________.My friends were _________________.This eve But I love to eat meat that's well cooked.that's是指that has还是that is要有说明 west什么时候大写,什么时候小写谢谢 His picture __ at our school tomorrow.(will be showed) 括号里的正确吗? 平均数中数中位数的意义 it is all very well to say it's all very well to blame…该怎么解释 英语翻译翻译是:这种是发生在小说中是无可非议的,什么是无可非议 can you please put your backpack on the desk?改为祈使句 CAN YOU PLEASE _______(PUT) THE MAGEZINES ON MY DESK Walkman 为什么要大写第一个字母? pph是什么材质 有首女声唱的最后一句是no one to say good bay不是《我的女孩》 为什么国外很多小孩都有teddy bear呢?有什么含义或习俗吗? 请详细介绍teddy bear 详细的理由:I'm too tired.Let's stop ______ a rest.a.have b.to have c.having d.has We are really tired .let's ( ) a rest A stop to have B stop have C stop having D to stop have 解释并说明理由 these people like reading very much and nothing else will interest them more than books.这句句子意思是什么,能不能帮我分析一下句子的结构, Now we are short of water and we should s—— weter in our daily life. 前面还有 do you like pop songs?do you like pop stars?前面还有 do you like pop songs?do you like pop stars? here are three famous singers 26 teddy bear的官网?如题 一首经典英文歌里好像有let me to you so/oh的歌词 LOL AD ADC AP还有一些缩写是什么意思 消防的英语短文快回. lol英文缩写不是英雄联盟!