
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:15:52
描写人物语言时态的词语 英语时态不同下的词语一个单词的过去式和它的过去分词有什么不同? Mike studies in Tianjin and his ____ sister works in Beijing.选填 可选词有,record translate old two strange 有的需要变换形式. brother怎么读 sister怎么读 怎么让土地肥沃 形容土地肥沃的词语如题 The teacher seemed to be very happy today.改为同意句___ ___ ___the teacher was very happy today.前面三个空 填上 《桃花源记》中表现桃源土地肥沃物产丰富的一个句子是陶渊明的《桃花源记》 土地肥沃的反义词是什么谁告诉我,悬赏分500 I'm sure they will be very happy.句子结构 .为什么要用THEY 哪个省土地肥沃 当太阳直射在20°S时,北京(40°N)的正午太阳高度值为(求详细解答, I want to do our utmost in the last month 准确的中文翻译! My grandma is( very happy) today 划线部分提问 Today or nowadays is very happy My brother wants to play football.(否定句) What about_____a party?Good idea.A.having B.have C.to have D.has How about coming to Peter's surprise party?(改为同义句)______ _________coming to Peter's surprise party? 1.Please tell me what ___ after I left here last night? A)occurred B )took place C)came D)happened2.Hey are two good teams, and ___ have a good chance of winning. . A)all B)neither C)both D)none3.After traveling for such a long dist __books in bed is bad for your eyes.A.Reading B.Read C.Reads D.To reading night drink what you did last[?]连词成句 Can your brother.(play)the drums very well?用所给单词的适当形式填空! 8.My brother can play the guitar,____he can't play it very well.A.and B.so C.or D.but8.My brother can play the guitar,____he can't play it very well.A.and B.so C.or D.but I was very happy today! Thanks!I'm.very.happy. 写一篇童话故事 要求;以小鱼.小鸟.水为主要“人物”编一个童话故事.写清时间,地点,发生了一件什么事.结果什么样?想通过这个童话故事表达怎样的思想感情,说明了一个什么道理. reading in the sun is dad for your eyes.(同义句)it_ _ _you to read in the sun ( )1、—Can Helen's brother play football( )1、—Can Helen's brother play football?—Sorry,______.A、he can B、he can't C.she can 翻译Very happy for today's victory,a very important match and 3 points vs a big team.C'mon City! 用大海—小鱼—农夫编写一个小故事50字以上 bad,eyes,reading,for,sun,the,in,is,your.(连词组句) Did you do a good d__ to your parents last Sunday?首字母填空