
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:28:59
一个法语时态问题助动词的愈过去时加动词的过去分词是什么时态 大家有没有学法语的,怎么样呢? 如图2-10,下列对a、b、c、d四地的天气状况判断,正确的是A.a、b、c、d四地都为阴雨天气B.a、c为晴朗天气C.a、b、c、d将出现阴雨天气D.b、c将出现阴雨天气讲明理由 天气预报图中的风尾有4杠长1短是几级风啊?教科书上所4杠代表7级,8级~12级用三角旗表示,那4杠长1杠短代表9级吗?我问的是1竖杠4长横加1短横,在电视里介绍台风时的天气图里看到的. 竹帛烟销是指什么历史事件?竹帛烟销与东山乱之间有什么关系?刘项只谁?他们在推翻秦朝的残暴统治中有 唐代一首诗"竹帛烟销帝业虚...感激不禁!唐代一首诗"竹帛烟销帝业虚.关河通锁祖龙居.坑灰未冷山东乱.刘项原来不读书. 章碣为什么称“焚书”为“竹帛烟销”用历史语言回答(别太长) 英语翻译 __is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.A.Either B.OftenC.Nor D.Usually请帮我分析四个选项~ 翻译It may seem like a little change by only one person but when you start adding one person to another,huge changes can occur.It will make a world of difference but only if you take responsibility and act.求翻译啊, I can't fragile,don't try to change a person,but to one I can't fragile,don't try to change a person,but to one person谁给我说下这句话什么意思. 已知波长,如何求频率拉姆达是什么? 车钥匙插入各个位置代表什么意思? 汽车钥匙孔的4个位置各是什么意思 What has changed, the only constant is change”这句话什么意思啊?帮忙翻译一下,小弟谢了呵呵 图一为赤道南北天气状况示意图(单位:百帕),读图回答3-4题 天无涯兮地无边,我心愁兮亦复燃,人生倏忽兮如白驹之过隙,然不得欢乐当我之盛年. 人生在世,犹如白驹之过隙,忽然而已 是谁说的话 “若白驹之过却”和“若白驹之过隙”哪个对 人生一世间,如白驹之过隙 The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,not on fighting the old,but on building the new. 抗疲劳饮料含有哪些成分我这里有一瓶抗疲劳的饮料,是从植物根茎提取出来的,想知道其中的成分,因为有抗疲劳作用,所以想知道一般有这个作用的会是哪些化学成分呢?氨基酸 维生素 矿物质 how can i make an international call to USA in China 为什么美国有很多made in china? ①China ought to make_____to the world.A.a greater contribution B.greater contribution②The water in this glass is too hot.I prefer some boil B.having boiled C.boiling D.boiled③The suggestion that the president____the meeting 刚从美国买的一个COACH的包,怎么会Made in China All the leading newspapers___the trade talks beween China and the United States.A.covered B.discussed C.announced D.published为什么选A 英语翻译如何翻译:The United States welcomes China’s rise as a strong,prosperous and successful member of the community of nations.Indeed,China’s success has brought with it economic benefits for our people as well as yours,and our coope 昆虫记中,法布尔爱玲的称这些食粪虫为?法布尔爱玲的称这些食粪虫为? 昆虫记中,法布尔把食粪虫称为什么 两种不溶性碱的化学式和颜色! 检验葡萄糖常用的不溶性碱的化学式是什么?