
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:39:04
the film ________ we say the day before yesterday is every interesting1949 is the year _______________ the People's Republic of China was founded填空 准备要考雅思,可是雅思真不知道要背多少词汇才可以? 1.I watch a film every day.2.KOKO waters the pla1.I watch a film every day.2.KOKO waters the plants every day.3.She does her homework every day.4.I'm eleven years old today.5.My sister calls a friend every Monday.(用yesterday改写句子) 准备雅思,要被什么单词 雅思单词都搞定了,准备雅思还要多久? I watched her ___(dance) in the classroom when I passed yesterday.I can watch her _(dance)every day这两个空怎么填为什么? are going school new you a to this year 连词成句, Our cuntry is going to____ another man-made satellite next yearA.send up B.put upC.make upD. open up 雅思单词 背诵 学生 现在想早点自学雅思单词方面准备的是《雅思词汇联想记忆发 》新东方 俞敏洪感觉4500+个单词 好难背 而且背了一不一定记得住 不知道考过雅思的高手有什么方法 是有 如何背诵雅思单词本人在读初二,正在背诵雅思红宝书(新东方,加强版),背了才200来个,九月份就要考试了,暑假要开始上课(雅思课),老师要求暑假前背诵完单词,感觉效率太慢了,有谁有什 雅思单词背诵~求方法如题 雅思单词,谁有雅思单词背诵软件的下载地址? 雅思单词要如何记忆? 修改病句;奶奶是一位七十多岁年纪很大的退修教师 Can you make-------ID card in English?A a B an C the D 不填横线上选哪个啊? 1、I made the New Year card m_____.2、It was ten degrees below z___ last night. 用bring,card,invite,special,make这几个单词写一个英文故事,三十个单词左右.要简单,六年级学生用 漂浮房冬暖夏凉,利用了水的什么特性? 科技人员设计了一种可移动式太阳能水上漂浮房,它具有冬暖夏凉的优点,不仅为人们到海滨旅游提供了方便.科技人员设计了一种可移动式太阳能水上漂浮房,它具有冬暖夏凉的优点,不仅为人 最后一空的解题过程科技人员设计了一种可移动式太阳能水上漂浮房,它具有冬暖夏凉的优点,不仅为人们到海滨旅游提供了方便,而且节约了能源、减少了对环境的污染.某可移动式太阳能水 四川有什么旅游景点能漂流?可以漂流,就是可以戏水那种 怎么记雅思单词我背单词当时记得然后老忘,怎么办?有什么阅读书对这个有用 3.4题!学霸快来解答! 雅思 单词记不住怎么办? 学雅思要注意什么?单词该怎么记? 怎样记好雅思的单词啊?我快疯了! 2题句型转换 1、我们的新年决心是组建足球队.Our New Year‘s resolution is ___ ____ a soccer team.2、She is going to work with Jim.(画线:work with Jim) ____ ____ she going to___? 选择.Let's buy a _____for our gyandparents.A.New Year Card B.new year card C.New Year card 选词填空.1.—Would you like_(to buy,buying)a New Year card? —No. I‘d like _(to make,makin选词填空.1.—Would you like_(to buy,buying)a New Year card? —No. I‘d like _(to make,making,make) one. 2.Look,Yang Ling _(read,is what are you doing,Tom?Listen me carefully.(改错) what dose she mean by'change'in the last sentence?mean是什么意思?为什么要用by,在这里起什么作用 新概念一117课课文 what does she mean by ' change 'in the last sentence?如果用英语解答?