
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:15:37
is (改为否定形式) 煤油打火机上的这段英文是什么意思?WORLO WAR 2 VICTORY CELEBRATION 60TH THE SECONO WORLD WAR BEGIN AT 1939 AND END AT 1945,THE JAPAN SURRENDER WITHOUT ANYTERMS.TOTALLY ABOUT55 MI.LLION PEOPLE DIED IN THE WAR. It is difficuit .后面接什么 打火机有什么寓意吗? It is too difficuit for me to dance.切记不要用网络上的翻译软件! 打火机用英文怎么写? have a look is this red one,do you like it的答语 peter wants to have a key ring ____this A.LIKE B.AS C.LOOK D.LOOK LIKE Jim,you_____(are wasting 还是waste)water!you must turn off the tapJim,you_____ (are wasting 还是waste) water!you must turn off the tap.说明为什么啊 some studets don't turn off the tap when they brush teeth.they waste____. it was a find day.we decided---volleyball.A.playingB.play C.to play D.played It was a fine day,we decide to play volleyball.英语太差,这个句子应该是过去式……那它第二句话中怎么没有过去式的词语…… 请回答一下.朋友们如果从我的疑问中看出我有哪些理解错误的话,请点明 马克思主义政党自身建设的根本任务是什么? 、马克思及马克思主义者的历史使命是什么? 马克思主义中国化的理论成果各自的使命是什么 马克思的的目的和任务 is(否定形式) What ciub do you want to join/ 马克思在谈到英国对印度的统治时说:“英国在印度要完成双重的使命:一个是破坏性的使命,即消灭旧的亚洲式是针对早期殖民扩张还是第一次工业革命呢? He makes it difficult to see.make it difficult to see怎么理解?省略了that吗,从句? My sister is having dinner everyday.这句话错在哪里?怎么改? Don't have the water ( )all the time,it's a kind of wasteA.runs B.to run C.running D.being running为什么答案是选C you have to be really smart to play soccer的意思? we often have soccer games (to play)other schools.to play against可以吗? Shaking the head doesn't always have the same meaning in different countries. Indians always shake their head means is not always the same in different countries. what shaking the hed means is not always the same in different countries.what shaking the hed means 是什么成分 为什么用what what is beauty the idea of what is beautiful changes over time全文加翻译, 责任内阁制的特点速回啊 易理解的回答 英语翻译1、上善若水环保工程有限公司2、广西南宁上善若水文化传播有限公司3、上善若水--中国-东盟书画艺术馆不要拿那种翻译软件翻译的答案给我~那样我也会~我要比较真实正确的,这个 英国内阁制特点和实质 公司名称--会计事务所的英文写法中文:瑞安市合一会计事务所英文1:RUI AN HE YI ACCOUNTANT OFFICE2:HE YI ACCOUNTANT OFFICE OF RUI AN问:哪个对,如果2个都不对,请说明正确的写法.我见有的会计事务所logo