
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:13:19
若满足方程组{3x-2y=3m+1,4x-3y=m+1}的x,y的值都不是正数,求m的取值范围 概率论和数理统计的数学期望题目设箱子中有2个红球和3个黄球,从中任意摸出3个球,记X为摸到的红球数,求E(x)和V(x) 长方体的侧面积公式是什么? 求一阶导数y=arctan√(x^2-1)-(lnx / √(x^2-1))答案是y'= xlnx / √(x^2-1)^3 关于x的方程x的平方-px+q=0的根为 这个积分怎么求∫√﹙1+1/x﹚dx 五年级下册解方程18-1.2x=7 五年级解方程91除2x=1.3 求一段六人左右英语对话不用很长,和食物有关,比如餐厅之类 please come Last summer I went to Hangzhou by coach in order to visit my pen pal——Yoyo,a lovely and smart girl.The place appointed for the appointment was Wushan square.And she said that she was very pleased to be my guide and she would show me a 口语考试需要进行一个长达五分到六分钟的英语对话口语考试需要进行一个长达五分到六分钟的英语对话话题如下:make a dialogue to talk about how you spen yourwinter vacation and how you felt about it(最好 六人、六人、六人、六人、六人、六人、六人、六人、六人、六人 六人英语小对话情景小对话,六个人 求x∈(0,2)上的积分∫√(2-x)dx , She eats vegetables and fruits every day.(改为一般疑问句) ()she () vegetable () furits every day? 帮忙写几个很简单的英语对话 口语考试用 三人的 大约说4、5分钟左右的长度 各种谢1、dealing with cultural differences2、memory3、aging4、home-schooling5、opinion polls6、our mother earth7、fighting with the forces (1/x)*exp(ax)对x求积分怎么求?急用, 积分∫x^2*exp-ax^2dx 求2分钟两人英语对话,口语考试!题目What does war teach us?Is war a key to peace?谢谢啦两人说的字数不要差太多啊,是dialogue.不是speech. 英语期末口语考试,要求2人对话(急求)谢谢What should we do to take care of our Mother Earth?How do people pursue continuing education?Which do you prefer,individual travel or package tour?就是要求以这个话题对话,大概3,4 北极旅鼠的三大奥秘 旅鼠三大奥秘第三大奥秘死亡大迁移的假说` 求大学商务英语口语考试 要求按情景写对话.2个人对话.要6分钟!情景:Your customer is going to leave China to USA.You have lunch together with him\her,send him\her to the Baiyun Airport and say goodbye to him\her. 如果实数x,y满足x^2+y^2=3那么y/x+2的最大值T T看不懂1楼在说什么。 实数x,y满足x²+y²=4,则x²+8y+3的最大值是多少?我会追加分的. 如果a-b=3,ab=-1,求代数式3ab-a+b-2的值. a减b=3 ab=—1求代数式3ab减a+b减2的值 c语言 编写产生100个1到10范围内的随机数的程序,并且以降序排序 如何用C语言 写一个随机数生成器的程序1到100之间的随机整数 可以重复 求大一英语期末口语考试的对话!总共4个话题!求编好的好的对话Topic 7 (Unit 8):Expressing ApologiesYou take a part-time job at a complaint center in a supermarket,and one day you’re tackling a complaint from a customer.Topic 8 She wears glasses every day.(改为一般疑问句) 百分比的加减乘除怎么计算比如1+3.14%是多少?1-5.27%是多少?