
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:12:05
介绍一下中间名和given name 中国人2个字的名都是Given Name吗?ABC形式的名字,BC都是Given Name吗?还是有一个是Middle Name?哦我没说清楚,我填表时,要把B填到Middle Name里去,C填到Given Name中去吗?还是把BC都填在Given Name中? family name是姓吧?given name是名?如题 family name是姓吧?given name是名?突然分不清了! 不等式:5x>3(x-2)+a的解是x>-2,则a的取值范围 英语中 spring春天 summer夏天的对应词分别是什么?leaf如何变复数?各位英语高手帮帮忙吧,我急!春天的对应词是autumn吗?夏天的对应词是winter吗?还是warm和hot?我有点搞不懂了……请帮帮我吧 公元1977年2月17日属于什么属相 物质的平均分子动能是不是以温度来体现?那么分子势能呢? 已知|x-3|+|y+2|=0 求x+y的值 问你个英语词组! 快!hurry up!rt..1.go marching on2.look kindly down3.have no right to vote 4.fright for political rights 5.win a schoolship 6. as they wished7.lead a boycott of the bus company8.take the city buses 9.give king national attenti 有hurry to do吗 hurry up doing sth 还是to do sth? He need to (t ) the plane in beijing 函数y=x-3分之2-x x的取值范围 get on get up get off get in 分别的意思 线段垂直平分线性质定理的逆定理是 线段垂直平分线定理逆定理 《小狗包弟》 巴金的反思对当下社会的意义 有没有高一政治必修二的复习提纲 h开头,p在第三位,单词是7位,有哪些? p开头的单词是什么My hobby is talking p.Egypt is famous for p. 以P开头的单词我想找一个单词,以P开头的,但是这个单词要有武装的意思,一定要以P开头的,要有武装的意思.请英语达人帮帮忙.老大!要有武装的意思啊! what kind of people would you like to make friends with,the aggressive or the humble? I'd like to make friends ____ anyone who wants to improve language skill with me together.A. aginst B. to C. with D. of选哪个?为什么其它几个选项不行?麻烦大家帮忙 I like to____friends with people who are like me 填make还是have?为什么? 音标 [ri:d] 有什么单词单词 音标是[ri'plai'的单词 怎么练英语口语?去哪练? The sentimental matter very is really difficult to expect,therefore the sentimental management is one kind of knowledge是什么意思? 连词成句my,in.sister,girls.is;the.white but i would like to make friends with others还有一些for gril ,i think ur character is oku have not to love with some guys?what type boys is your favourate?a man must know me and want to know me just enough,last important thihng is he must so kind I like___very much and I'd like ___with my friends this afternoon.A.swimming;to swim B.to swim;swimming C.swimming;swimming D.to swim;to swim 小狗包弟写作背景 作者介绍