
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:19:55
this is the bus _______the people's park.是用for还是to为什么》? People's Park is very quiet 改为否定句是什么 Hao old is she?同义句转换 飞机上看长江,它绵长曲折,洁白闪亮.改成比喻句 月光洒落在长江里,江面被照亮了.改成比喻句 汹涌的长江飞跃而下改成比喻句和夸张句 英语翻译要英文与中文翻译,一句一翻译的那种,翻译的好听一点. 求eyes on me featured 的歌词翻译 英语翻译谁帮我翻译一下 王菲的eyes on me .He said__he had eaten nothing for a long time and__he was very hungryA that;/B /;thatC /;/D what,what should的过去式和过去分词should,camp rentpeel boil 安倍说他与这件事没有关系.Anbei said that he had (nothing to do) with the matter.为什么填 nothing to do 请问下面英语中,He said nothing that he had not already said many times before.Roosevelt's speech was not important.He said nothing that he had not alreadysaid many times before.What was important,however,was his cool courage.Men did not see hi 正答的反义词()问只要这样的 在德语中,赛勒这个名字的涵义与寓意是什么?古德语的也可以!务必要真实可信, 知了叫得欢啊.扩充句子扩两处 泉水不断地往上冒.(扩句)炎热的夏天,知了不停地叫.(扩句) they (have) a party in the garden this weekend.填上正确的形态 sandy plans to have a Party this weekend 量词填空一()知了 谁知道 "They told him to quit,that he wasn't good enough,but```."这个句子中 that 的用法! They give prizes to the classes that makes the least garbage.翻译 I have already had breakfast 这句话改为特殊疑问句,怎么改? bring up造句 用bring这个词造句造句asaa 1.l have already had dinner(改为否定句)(含缩略形式)( )dinner( ). You () tell him the news.They told hi,just now.A.need not to B.don't need to C.need to D.needn't to顺便再问一下,needn't和need not有什么区别? Mary had lunch at home before.(改为否定句) Mary____ _____have lunch at home before. bring的造句两句 用bring out造句,短一点的 pretco-b成绩查询 英语pretco b级我要的是卷面题目分值