
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 17:26:59
A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper We are going to reduce the number of trees being cut down 去掉being可以吗? 您对当前学校教育,社会教育,家庭教育有哪些意见和建议或者想法 AB是圆O的直径,弦BC的弦心距为4CM 那么弦AC的长 已知{An}是等比数列,存在正整数m,使Am=3,Am+5=24,求Am+15 数列an中,a1=3 am+n=am.an 则sn/an的极限是多少 等差数列{an}的公差为2,am=3,求和:am+1+am+3+am+5+..am+101 若等比数列{an}满足am-3=4且amam-4=(a4)²(m∈N+),则a1a5的值为? 国字框里一个子念什么? 上边一个奴字下边一个子字念什么? many building are pulled down to make ---------- a new park a.spaces b.place c.room d landa 为什么不对? The big hotel is to be pulled down------they can make enough room for the sailing base.A.because B.so that C.when D.since 给一间房子铺地砖,选用3分米乘3分米的正方形地砖,需960快;若选用4分米乘4分米的地砖要铺多少块? 上面一个石下面一个子是什么字石子 这是什么字?查字典查不到@ 上面一个凹字,下面一个儿字, 《次北固山下》中蕴含的新事物孕育于旧事物解体之时的哲理的诗句是? They are trying to( )the price of oil.A turn down B keep down C cut down They had a number of suggestions about ______the service of the restaurant should be improved.A.what B.whether C.how D.where 为什么选c B 为什么不可以? Most of the young girls know they should cut down on fat,but knowing such a thing isn’t of much help when it ______ shopping and eating.A.refers toB.comes toC.speaks ofD.focuses on 已知圆O的直径AB=6cm,弦AC与AB的夹角是30°,求弦BC的长和BC的弦心距要过程,速度 克隆人技术在当代是否可行为什么伦理学 以现在的技术水平可不可以克隆人出来如题 上面尸 下面口 这是什么字?急呀! 尸字下面有个从念什么字 Sally is ill.She has to l____down and rest. She saw it ___ (go) down a large rabbit hole是不是,go/going都可以 The company closed down last year,but it was not___ ___she was ____young ___ ___ such a big company 请帮助翻译一下:She turned down my last three students仔细解释一下:last three students感谢回答 地球上几个区经度分别是多少?东八区,东九区,西五区,东二区,零时区.这些分别是指哪些 “双赢”英文怎么说? 共赢英文怎么写 请问--双赢--英文怎么说