
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 06:17:07
帮忙解释多义词此不为近者热而远者凉乎? 为:熟为汝多知乎 为:愿为市鞍马 为: Did you go to Shanghai yesterday?No,I didn't go a( ) yesterday. 多义词解释:修修在文言文中的多种解释 在线等 看懂追加20分!求一个函数最小正周期,f(x)=sinx(cosx-根号3sinx)周期会求 就是把这个式子化成标准形式 看懂追加20分!要过程呢 亲 求一首英文歌曲的名称.链接地址:这首歌是从电影里面截取的.其中有少量对话是电影里面的,不是歌曲本身的对话. 描写自然现象的四字词语(不少于6个) 哪个动物经常用来形容厉害的人? 描写自然现象的四字词语不少于6个 关于自然现象的四字词语不少于50个一天之内见答案! 那一种动物用来形容女孩子最好?请问高手那一种动物用来形容下面这种女孩子比较合适1,可爱2,漂亮3,细心4,很会玩5,很聪明麻烦帮我想一下. 解释下列多义词的词义.(谢谢)闻1顺风而呼,声非加疾也,而闻者彰.2博闻强识3初闻涕泪满衣裳4能谤讥于市朝,闻寡人之耳者.5况草野之无闻者欤6以勇气闻于诸侯 I didn t go hiking because of the heavy rain 同义句 请问下列词义怎样解释?问:中 1."振''的意思? 2."鸣蝉''的意思? 中 1."遥''的意思? 2."垂纶''的意思?谢谢! 附: 所见 小儿垂钓 牧童骑黄牛,歌声 we didn't go there because of the heavy rain 同义句转换the rain us going there Bob didn′t go to work because of the heavy rain.(改为同义句)Bob didn’t go to work,____it rained _____ . We didn't reach the cinema on time because of the heavy rain yesterday We did't go out because of the heavy rain.(改为同义句) We didn't go out ___ it ___ heavily.We did't go out because of the heavy rain.(改为同义句)We didn't go out ___ it ___ heavily. 追求者的英语单词 He stay at home and look after his mother yesterday. 英语词汇题,追分!I like your program very much,now i_____(write) this letter to ask you something about American table manners.Last night my American friends _______(want)me to take part in their dinner party.I'm very happy and i ______(decide) After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home,____(exhaust)exhaust 正确的形式 以及在剧中做 何种状语呢 请指教exhaust 有位朋友说是做主补 你们怎么看的呢 关于背英语单词【好的追分】被老妈要求在一个星期内背一个学期的单词(480个).我现在背了200多个,但是死活背不出来了,不知道怎么回事,背的很慢很累.离最后期限只有3天了,主要是背了以 亚洲成为世界第一大洲的理由是 世界第一大洲是亚洲 富兰克林的风筝实验证明了什么渊调断吉 He didn’t go there.I diden’t go there _________ A.too B.also C.either D.neither 富兰克林的风筝实验是真的吗? He went shopping yesterday,He didn'tHe went shopping yesterday,He didn't stay at home.(同义句转换) I didn't go shopping yesterday.I went to the movie (i ____) 是I didn't,neither还是I didn't,either buy some fruit on you way home (改为否定句)_____ ____ ____ ____on you way home. mother often buys some food on her way home为什么不是on her way to home