
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 10:42:53
已知集合A={x|x²-2x-8≤0},B={x|x²-(2m-3)x+m²-3m≤0,m∈R}. 已知集合M={X|X²—2X—8=0},N={X|X²+aX+a²-12=0} 已知集合M={X|X²—2X—8=0},N={X|X²+aX+a²-12=0},N⊆M,求a的值 已知集合M={0,a},N={x/x²-2x-3<0}若M∩N=∅,则a的值为多少N={x/x²-2x-3<0,x∈Z} 用一根48厘米的铁丝围成一个长和宽是2比1的长方形,这个长方形的周长是多少,面积是多少 把一根长66厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形,怎样围面积最大?是多少平方厘米?(边长取整厘米数)这是作业!快点! 把一个66厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形,怎样围面积最大?是多少平方厘米?(边长取整厘米数) 因式分解法解1/2(X-2)平方+X-2 已知全集U=R,集合M=﹛x▏x²-2x+1﹥0﹜,N=﹛x▏y=log½(x-1)﹜,则Cu(M∩N)等于?大家好,我是初三毕业的,因为26号要参加成考,但是我没有上过高中,所以数学题基本上都看不懂,所以请大家回答 设集合A={x|log½(x²-7x+14)>-2},B={x|a^(x-3)≤(1/a)^(2x-9),a≥0且a≠0},求A∩B.我算的答案分0 若不等式log(3-2x) Which of the following is right?Which of the following is right?A.There were few children at the par.B.Bert threw his plate out of the window.C.Bert wasn't angry at all because he didn't want any food. which of the following is ture?翻译并说明为什么用which of 和following 在这解释为什么 Which of the following sentences is right?A.He would rather not to stay at home.B.Would you like me to take you son to the cinema?C.Would you please not to put the flowers here?错的纠正 如下图,在矩形ABCD中AB=6.BC=8若将矩形折叠使点A与点C重合求折痕EF的长最好将整个解答过程写清楚每个步骤要清晰,最好说明下道理 小明和小宁比赛做口算题小明2分钟做15道小宁5分钟做了36道 小明和小宁的做题速度比是小明和小宁比赛做口算题小明2分钟做15道小宁5分钟做了36道小明和小宁的做题速度比是 问:小明比小花多做15道题,小花说小明做的题是小花的4倍,求:小明做了多少道题? 一次数学竞赛,共15道题,每做对一题的的10分,每做错一题倒扣4分,小明在这次竞赛中得66分,他做对了几道 英语翻译according to the passage 、most likely翻译词组,which of the following statement is not true?which of the following is not included?翻译句子 Which of the following is NOT turn in the passage? According to the passage ,which of the following statements is true? 如果a与b互为相反数,c与d互为倒数,e的绝对值为3,那么e的平方+111cd-a+b/112= 如果a与b互为相反数,c与d互为倒数,e的绝对值为3,那么e的平方+111cd-112分之a+b=()+()-()=() listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are true and which are false.怎么翻译 0.358乘488加0.677乘358减1.25 乘35.8的简便运算 Which of the following can give you all kinds of telephone numbers?A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114 As is shown in the following picture ,the side length of the square is 4cm.What is the area of ..As is shown in the following picture ,the side length of the square is 4cm.What is the area of the shaded part?翻译!快! 请翻译As shpwn in the following diagram,the side length of Square ABCD IS 4cm,and the length of the line segment CG is 3cm,while in Rectant DEFG,the length of DG is 5cm,then,how many centimeters is the width of Rectangle DEFG? 请翻译 As shown in the following diagram,the side length of Square ABCD is 10 cm,while the length and the sidth of Rectangle EFGH are respectively 8cm and 5cm.How many square centimeters is the area difference between the shaded part in Square ABC 英语翻译请翻译 As shown in the following diagtam,the side length of Square ABCD is 4cm,and the length of the line segment CG is 3cm,shile in Rectangle DEFG,the length of DG is 5cm,them,how many centimeters is the width of Rectangle DEFG? If p is an odd integer,which of the following is an even integer?A.p – 2 B.p2 C.p2 – 2 D.(p – 2)2 E.p2 – p 求未知数2 已知集合M={y|y=x²-2x+3},N={y|y=2x²-3x+1}则M∪N=