
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 20:26:54
某人连续打工59天,挣了465元.星期一到星期五全天工作,日工资10元;星期六半天工作,发一半工资5元;星期日不工作,无工资.已知他打工是从3月下旬的某一天开始的,这个月的1日是星期天,那么 某人在连续的24天中打了若干天工,共挣得190元,已知星期一到星期五全天工作,日工资10元,星期六半天工作,得工资5元,星期天不工作,无工资,他从3月下旬的某一天开始工作,这个月的1日是星期天 什么工作是只有在星期一到星期五上班的E什么工作是只有在星期一到星期五上班的?除了教师外 英语翻译Fighting fires has always been a dangerous job.The job has grown even more risky in recent years.That’s because changes in building over the last 30 years have resulted in hotter fires that are more unpredictable.Today’s buildings use 英语翻译常州大麻糕,在清咸丰年间,由仁育桥畔的长乐茶社王长生点心师傅创制,已有140余年历史.其特点:色呈金黄,香脆松软,皮薄酥重,甜馅醇厚,咸馅味鲜,葱香扑鼻,肥而不腻.加蟹小笼包产 英语翻译Dear Xiao Ming,I’m glad to receive your letter.In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well.I think you must listen carefully and be active in class.Speak as much as possible.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.You’d b 英语翻译早晨,我坐着591路公交车,一直往前开,开到市六医院,然后向右转弯,再一直往前开,开到省人民医院后下站,转弯过人行横道,再想左转,到底学学. 明天要么你去那儿,要么他去那儿.翻译成英语. 向明天挑战,怎么翻译成英语 英语翻译1.He came to the park where they often met esth other.2.I've bought everything that you need.3.This is the best novel that I have ever read.4.This is the present that he gave me for my birthday5.This is reason why I am not here.6.I often 英语翻译…listen people… …Sarah Connor… …Naturally Seven… …Music Is The Key… People,have always been singing To wipe away tears,to ease all the pain (oh) Music,has always been healing Some people just sometimes,and others again and 英语翻译要人工翻译的翻译内容:没有什么可以抵挡一切,只有一颗从容的心可以保护自己…… 我从未去过太空博物馆但我曾参观过自然博物馆 英语翻译 我将永远记得我第一次参观博物馆 用英语怎么翻译 参观博物馆用英文咋翻译 谁能给我一篇盗梦空间的英文影评 200+词汇 附中文翻译 关于《盗梦空间》的一段英文介绍,麻烦翻译高手翻成中文, 英语翻译翻译下面的文字:今天轮到我做演讲,我要给大家介绍一部电影,我相信有很多人都看过,在这里我要把这部影片介绍给没看过的同学.要求:篇幅短的(因为我要背),还有就是介绍的 英语翻译1.You're waiting for a train - a train that will take you far away.You know where you hope the train will take you,but you can't know for sure.But it doesn't matter,because we'll be together.- Cobb2.What is the most resilient parasite?Bac 英语翻译1.You're waiting for a train - a train that will take you far away.You know where you hope the train will take you,but you can't know for sure.But it doesn't matter,because we'll be together.- Cobb2.What is the most resilient parasite?Bac 英语翻译He is not good enough to me 他不配我 怎么说 关于守信的名言警句 劝勉诚信的明言警句 关于诚信的名言警句 有关诚实诚信的名言 有关诚信的警句3句以上 劝勉别人勤奋学习的名言 写一句劝勉别人勤奋学习的名言 勤俭节约名言警句 有关勤俭节约的名言警句 关于勤俭节约的名言警句 “勤俭节约”的名言警句2句以上,2句不算,要加油,写的好的有¥哦!