
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 02:19:32
be going to 和will 的 用法一样吗?be going to 遇到Go改为goingwill呢改不改啊 There is a shelf in my study翻译 美国奢侈品标价比中国便宜吗? 单独的on request是什么意思啊 on request ,on a request ,in request the form will be sent to you A,on request b,on a request c,in request .provided on request.对应中文应是什么?原文:He's making me angry,although he'd be surprised that his hitherto minimal contribution to the conversation---a couple of "Sorrys"and his sister's first name,provided on request---could have provoke easy math questions--jst wanna the answer!216.Write each of the following as the sum of 2 prime numbers.17.The mathematician Christian Goldbach said that every odd number greater than 7 can be written as the sum of 3 prime numbers15=5+5+5or 15=3+5+7o easy math questions--jst wanna the answer!1emmmm~~ no translation plzz~~thanx!12. The numbers 29 and 31 are called twin primes because they differ by 2. List all twin primes less than 100.14. emmm~ jst tell me which of those r primes~~ PRETTY EASY easy math questions--jst wanna the answer!319.Make up ur own riddle.Include the word "odd","even","prime,"and" composite." .guess zats all~PLZZZZ do it quik~if not~..KACHA~im dead~haha~ 怎样汉泽英 request for 是物流的 forbidden request for:/ Math questions1.一次函数y=kx-3的图象与x轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,△OAB(O为坐标原点)的面积为4平方单位,且函数y的值随x的增大而增大.求:(1) 点B的坐标;(2) 点A的坐标及k的值2.现计划把一批货物用一 以avoid造一个句子越多越好哦 中国本土奢侈品中国的古玩字画都属于是奢侈品,但中国是否有奢侈品品牌,如有,请例举几个.别说古井坊之类的哈. avoid difficulties帮忙造个句avoid difficulties这个单词,帮忙造个句子, 中国本土奢侈品品牌都有哪几个主要以中国元素为主的 can't和cannot这两个有什么区别没有~好像意思是一样的吧~能不能说的详细一点 cannot和can'tcan't可以解释为不可能,那么cannot可以解释为不可能吗 l understand还是l am understand 8 .A healthy life is frequently thought to be _______ with the open countryside and homegrown food.A.tiedB.boundC.involvedD.associated ____ but he still could not understand it.A.Told many times B.Having been told many timesC.He has been told many times D.Though he had been told many times请问 去掉 句中but 后 怎么选 I also understand we can not have a love affair. 英语翻译1、《建设工程规划许可证》所需材料已上交2、现在缺少的材料是消防选址意见书及施工图3、消防选址意见书及施工图将在下个月上交4、总平面图已送到消防局办公室5、消防局科 宋金对峙局面出现在哪一事件之后 南北朝对峙 宋金对峙 这两种对峙的实质 挑战的近义词是. 难题 近义词难题的近义词, 英语问题It's a very bad thing punishing children.punishing是定语吗?现在分词可以做定语? 英语 —What did the doctor say?—He _________ me not to eat too much candy.A.warned B.suggested C.stopped D.allowed A不可以? 句型转换 I have got a suitcase which has got a name on it.I have got a suitcase__ __ __ on it. 隆中对中诸葛亮认为“霸业可成,汉室可兴”的策略是什么