
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 20:30:02
帮我造一个句子.好的30分)仿造下面句子的写法,展开想象,写一句话.(用……好像……好像……写)“远远的街灯明了,好像闪着无数的明星.天上的明星现了,好像点着无数的街灯.” 青涩到底是什么意思?拜托各位了 3Q 如题 急,the demo class is the only factor to ---if we will get the student.横线处填什么?我想说决定,但是 deceide听着好像不大对劲啊.这个“决定”该用哪个词语啊demo class 是决定我们能否得到学生的关键 不仅是同学们,而且他们的老师也误了如此重要的演讲Not only the students ……Not only the students but also their teacher __________________ already.不是他就是你够幸运去法国深造______________ to go to France _______ what't your plan for the May Day holiday,Tom? I'm not sure.I visit the Great Wall.A.may B can C need D must From Easy Street (1917) to Modern Times (1936) .怎么翻译 s_sp__ t是什么单词 补充单词,并翻译 l( ) ( )k( )t Keep busy句型.和 keep busy (do)their work.填设么 I leave you will not only memories .这句话在百度上的意思就是 离开了你我将不只是回忆.但我想知道这句话是对方想跟我表达出什么. you will know not only that UNIX ...这个长句怎么分解更容易理解?you will know not only that UNIX was the first operating system but that it has also been a trail blazer in the field of operating systems for providing state of the art feat What am (something in a museum)谜语white land and colorful sea,there one can grow a flower or a tree,or anything else one hopes to see,lots of lots of people like to see me if there are any apples There are not any apples.的疑问形式怎么说.Are there not any apples?还有么?感觉不对头 There are any apples(改成对的) 把单词补充完整par--ts f-mily s-ster br-ther l_ _ n,补充单词四年级上册的(苏教版) “左右”、“上下”充当的句法成份是什么?在意义上,“左右”、“上下”都用在数量词后,表示约数.如:他三十岁上下,他的书有50本左右.那么“左右”、“上下”充当的句法成份是什么呢? 副词可以充当什么句法成分? 这个句子中的my being open 是充当什么成分的?句子:The skills that i never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being open to trying new opportunities how mang people are mentioned in this passage?的意思? 历史上有黄飞鸿这个人吗? that/who的省略问题I am the guy (that/who) you know.I am the guy that/who want to see you .这两句话中,为什么上面一个可以省略(that、who),下面一个不可以?另外,The books (that) I bought yesterday are stolen, 为什么t 遂宁的四川话发音?四川话,以前一直读的XU宁,现在不知道究竟应该读XU宁还是SUI宁,请遂宁的人指点. ”烧白”的四川话发音是什么啊? 98:being serverly overweight 在句中作什么成份呀?98:these include high blood pressure or being severely overweight.being serverly overweight 在句中作什么成份呀? he thinks asking teachers for help is a good way too.对么 不对怎么改 Good pain and Good help! 中国神话人物?风雨雷电 叫什么 动漫中有哪个人物是能够使用雷电,并且身体还可以元素化为雷电的?我记得有这样的一个动漫人物,可以操纵大自然的雷电,可以产生雷电,而且身体还能够变化成雷电,并能以雷电的形态快速移 请问各位大虾,传奇单机版中武士怎么使用雷电?我设置快截键F1,点了怪没反映哪.晕死,有知道的请说下,谢谢