
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 07:53:58
不是说介词后不能加句子吗?Most of the students went to the classroom 那这种句子怎么解释啊,并且有动词went啊 英语问题 求高人回答回答36-45 关于社会热点问题素材 高中数学三角函数 已知x,a为锐角,sinx=8/17,cos(x-a)=21/29,求cosa值? 已知cos(α+π/3)=15/17,α为锐角,求cosα的值. 选择:1、I‘ll go with you as soon as I____ my work.A will finish B finished C finish D would finish2、Since he came here last year,we ____ happy.A are B have been C had been D were3、Peter ___the work in a week.A have finished B finishes C is China is larger than in Asia.A.any country B.any other country C.any countries D.all countries 1 he is studying in an i___ school 2 the apple is too high for me _____(reach)3 the bag is so heavy that i can`t carry it改为同义句) the bag is ____ heavy _____ me____carrythe girl is too young to ride a bike (改为同义句)thegirl is __ 分解因式9a的平方-6ac+c的平方-4b的平方 a的4次方b的平方-2分之1a的平方b的平方+16分之1b的平方 化简:1/2x-1/(x+y).[(x+y)/2 - (2x²+2xy)/2x] 英文名前加什么好听比如 我叫李航 那我就想英文名叫...hang 就是什么什么航 问题就在这个...上了 这个...叫什么呢 比如MC hang、那就请各位帮忙想一想了 或者按照我的中文名起一个 最好还是 x方-1分之x方+x 化简 化简x方+x方分之一看不懂哦,麻烦你在详细说下哈,还有那个符号是什么意思。 化简1-x方/1+x方 已知A为锐角,且cos(A+45度)=3/5,求cosA=? 证明:任何三位数减去此三位数的三个数字之和必为9的倍数 求一个好听的英文店名···主要卖牛仔裤···要英文的···就是XXX.taobao.com 的那个前缀 目前只有这么多分了 帮忙起个好听的英文女装店名我20岁,打算卖18-25这样的年龄层女装,有欧美日系风格,就想找个比较简单好听的英文名,比如I AM 或者QUEEN这样的,简单好看的,LADY或者 HI GIRL怎么样呢、 已知M=2xy/x方-y方,N=x方+y方/x方-y方,用+或-,连接M,N,有三种不同的形式:M+N,M-N,N-M,请你任选其中一种进行计算,并化简求值,其中x:y=5:2 已知M=2xy/x^2-y^2,N=x^2+y^2/x^2-y^2,用“+”或“—”连接M,N,有三种不同形式:M+N.M-N,N-M,请你任选其中一种进行计算,并化简求值,其中x:y=5:2 已知角a为锐角求证:1 小于 sina+cosa 小于 π/2(π 3.141592653.) (sina)^3+(cos)^小于1 化简关于x,y的整式(3mx的平方-2xy+3-2nx)-2(nxy+x的平方-7my)不含2次项,求m,n的值,当x=2,y=-3求值 已知a为锐角,且sina=cos(a/2),则1/(1+sina)+1/(1+cosa)= 已知sina-sinb=-1/2,cosa-cosb=1/2,且ab均为锐角,求cos(a-b) 若∠A为锐角且sinA=1/3,求cosA,cos(90°-A) 一个三位数的各位数字的和能被9整除,那么这个三位数就能被9整除.请用代数式证明. 谁帮我想一个好听点的5个字母的英文名字.下面是例子☆丶__XXXXX 第一个最好是大写的.一定只要 5 个字母的...有愿意帮忙的贴上.一定采纳 化简x^-y^/x^-2xy+y^ 1.Scientists are studying the ways in which climate changes _____ people’s mood.a.effect b.affect c.react d.act2.Don’t come complaining to me ____ something goes wrong.a.time b.every time c.every d.time again3.He ___ out my mistakes and hoped tha ① Today ______ people use the Internet every day.A many millions B million C five millions of D millions of② --- I have had a stomach.--- You'd better _____ eat so much ice-cream ____.A not,any long B no,longer C not,any longer D no,any longer③ Long Qingquan,a 18-year-old Chainese player,broke the world record in 2008 Olympics .All chianese people were surprised at the _____ result.A finally B final C last D firstDon`t just belive the advertisement.That kind of camera is _____it easyA.Not a 美的冰箱好吗?