
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 11:11:06
神( )( )神,成语补充完整. 补充成语()神()住不知道是不是考卷上打错了... 王维诗中有画的诗 王维的诗句中可以体现出"诗中有画"的诗句有哪些?要多一点,这些太少了 秋思的古诗里“复”、“又”意思相近,又互相呼应,表达了诗人________________________的思想感情 秋思最能表达思想情感的句子是那句?作者是张籍的秋思最能表达思芗情感的句子是那句?作者是张籍的 《秋思》张籍 这首诗中哪句更写出了思念家乡的感情 空心的黄金项链会响吗?买了一条空心的黄金项链,30K,带上后发现有震动时项链会响,用手抖动也会发出声音,不是有句话叫做真金不响吗,会不会是买到了水货?是周六福的,M形状上打印有“周六 空心管项链要变形吗 我想买个10克左右的黄金项链,现在好像都是空心的,看了下实心的,好细,没有空心的好看实在不知道该买哪种. 包括动物,植物,动植物在内,究竟有几种啊? 世界上有的多少种生物 物种? Today is Saturday.I want to do something that i like.in term of the weather forecast,today will snow.帮忙看一下语法哪里错误了 世界上究竟有多少中生物?求大神帮助 我比韩国明星帅多了,想对韩国明星说,I want to rape your sister I want to rape your sister.这句话用中文怎么读.不是中文意思.是用中文读出来. 世界上什么生物最慢?大神们帮帮忙 《杂诗》近寒食雨草萋萋,著麦苗风柳映堤.等是有家归未得,杜鹃休向耳边啼.怎么给这首诗断句.其中我知道第一句是这么断的:近/寒食/雨/草萋萋 树深时见鹿什么意思 尽寒食雨草萋萋,著麦苗风柳映堤.等是有家归未得,杜鹃休向耳边啼.大意补充:时令 () 求树深时见鹿的姐妹名里面要有 徐 或者浩字 S DEER是什么意思? 看见鹿是什么意思 I wrote it down ____I should forget it A in case of B in order that C in case D as if i could right something's down in chinese just case i need to say a few things(这句话什么意思? 近寒食雨草萋萋,著麦苗风柳映堤.等是有家归未得,杜鹃休向耳边啼.求翻译 - In case I look down upon myself,then I will stop miss you.Bcause shift my love to a...- In case I look down upon myself,then I will stop miss you.Bcause shift my love to another person 下错 铜矿在哪里采 I am not quite sure any more what boys of your age like these days.本句中的any more what 那这句话的,中文如何翻译呀 绿前绿后草一堆猜一动物 what is the c_ of an ipad i am not sure .maybewhat is the c_ of an ipad i am not sure .maybe aboit 2000 yuan.应该填什么? What are your plans for the weekend?I am not sure.____ Cool,which one?____I need to check the____I need to check the newspapers.So,do you have ant plans?Nothing fun.___But that is just on Saturday until five.___Maybe we can get something to eat and g