
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 06:47:24
写词语:欢(声)笑(语)欢()笑()欢()笑()欢()笑()欢()笑() ____in an accident,he was sent to the hospital.到底是用Hit还是Having been hit呢?如何区分它们呢? 2010年英语四级作文是什么? my father空(like very much)flowers that is...(也就是说..) 后面可以加句子吗? 这句话中 为什么 前面用 用that is ,而后面 又用 they“something or someone that is useful because they help you succeed or deal with problems” 改成“something or someone that is useful because it help you succeed or deal with prob There is的反问句后面是用is there还是is that? It‘s a key_____.A.ring B.ball D.notebook 带翻译,讲解,3Q 求八年级英语语法【按开头的字母顺序排列】可以速查的就是固定搭配,如stop to do sth等 人山人海 鸟语花香 地动山摇 气吞山河 青山起舞 粉妆玉砌 山欢海笑 枫叶似火 把下面的词语归类含比喻的是哪几个?含拟人的是哪几个?含夸张的是哪几个? 补全对话,一空一词A:Hi!How.your vacation?B:It was great!A;.did you go?B:I went to Beijng .my family?A:Really?.did you do there?B:Well,we visited many places of interest.A:Oh,how .they?B;They were really interesting.But they were also very cr ()欢海笑 按要求把下面的词语归类 人山人海,鸟语花香,地动山摇,气吞山河,青山起舞,粉妆玉砌,山欢海笑,枫叶似火,面若桃花,眉飞色舞 含夸张的:含拟人的:含比喻的:看到问题的人赶紧回答我 Is that 咋写, 过程怎么写, 怎么写求过程 Is that photo ()Kateof in to for4个选哪个 怎么写,求过程 求2012年湖南英语三级答案,作文是投诉信的卷子 All just a beautiful mistake什么意思 这个问题与他有关英语怎么说the problem —— —— —— —— him.初二6-7单元报纸 That is why I took 考bec or 考研情况是这样的:bec中级刚通过,分不高是C,六级570+,有点想报2010年5月份的bec高级,听说很有难度,要考的话肯定得花很多时间精力但是我现在是大三下学期了,准备2011年考研,而且已经 大三下学期考BEC会影响考研吗 顺序写出来谢谢 把过程写出来 过程写出来 把过程都写出来 how to find a woman on the internet?they say that it's easy to finda girlfriend on the internet,so far I have found none,could youtell me how to find them and where? 求维克多英语6+1高一的25到30周的答案, 维克多阅读答案~~~~~~~~高一下的~16--20周的~~~~~~~~~~~谢啦谢啦