
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 13:25:51
一道英语题,说理由i left my ___ for london three years ago . i miss her very mucha. homeb familychoused. place 讲下理由I think environment is really important _____,I like riding my bike A beside B besides C also D except 一道英语题,求原因 在做"研究凸透镜成像"规律的实验中,将蜡烛放在某一位置后,无论怎样移动光屏,都无法在光屏上得到像,是什么原因 以下是初二的一道物理题,希望大家帮帮忙!~~设地球距离月球3×10的八次方米,人类发射的月球探测器能够在自动导航系统的控制在月球上匀速直线行走,且每隔5秒向地球发射一次信号,某时刻, 现有如下器材:一只可直立于水中的平底薄壁试管、水槽、足量的水和一把量程足够的刻度尺、量筒.小明利用上述器材设计了测量某种液体密度的实验.(1)请你将实验的主要步骤补充完整, It is ture that ___ you get into the habit of smoking,you’ll find it extremely difficult to get out of it .A though B as C once D while 求简洁地讲清楚原因--------(查找)the new wors in dictionary if you don't know them.是填look up还是looking up?我知道if后面是从句,但是前面的这个句子中没有动词,可不可以填look up?这个又不像祈使句 19,the chair man asked _____to write their questions on a plece of paper and send them to the front.A,the present member B,the member presently C,the members present D,the presently members 20,chinese _____(are或is) proud of the hast of the 29th oly 要简洁地讲清楚原因,--------(查找)the new wors in dictionary if you don't know them.是填look up还是looking up?我知道if后面是从句,但是前面的这个句子中没有动词,可不可以填look up?这个又不像祈使句 关于读书的名言警句和理解 英语疑问,What kind of noodles would you like?____( )A.mutton and tomatoes noodles B.Mutton and tomato noodlesC.muttons and tomatoes noodles D.muttons and tomato noodles 我想你一直记得这件事,英语怎么说 要记得想我 用英语怎么说?我有急用, 如果你想起我 英语怎么说 我不记得你是谁了 英语怎么说 谁有世界所有品牌名车的英文及中文车名?最好有发音, '_浮华沧桑、 '_Somnus、 哪个名字更好看,英文Or中文? 麻烦告诉我几个单词的英文,有以下几个单词:鸡翅 鱿鱼 鸳鸯贝 莲藕 年糕 羊肉串 刨冰 鸡腿 金针菇 花菜 孜然 蜂蜜 刷子 夹子 烧烤架 那个夹子是夹木炭用的,有点像坩锅钳,还有就是炭的英 英语翻译Since the first acid-gas injection operation in 1990,51different injection sites have been approved,of which 44 arecurrently active.One operation was not implemented,three wererescinded after a period of operation (either because injectio 专业英语翻译,英译汉1.Always strive to be the Better than the best. 2.Never waste a moment or an opportunity. Carry with you Key Point Cards Daily. 3.Success is buried just the other side of frustr 读下面的话,联系生活实际,体会一下其中的含义. “好好瞧瞧吧,亲爱的孩子,”爸爸和蔼地说,“通往广场的路不止一条.生活也是一样,假如你发现走这条路不能到达目的地的话,就可以走另一 联系课文和生活实际,认真体会"你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的"这句话的含义,再 英语翻译Improved age constraints on the Wahweap Formation indicate that the middle and upper members were deposited during the eustatic Claggett transgression (T8 of Kauffman 1977) in the adjacent Western Interior Seaway.Additionally,facies analy 英语翻译我的意思是说能不能多给我一些例子!比如说乐百氏的英文商标是robust代表的就是精神充沛的,健康… 急急急急~~~~~~~英语翻译 要标准的 多谢各位to solve that problem,room 77 carries out a hotel's floor plan with google maps to determine the exact place of each individual room.based on the aspects users select (e.g.high or low floor,imp 英语翻译 石油储运专业的相关英语 哪位可以准确的翻译一下 十分感谢announced a tender for provision of services on basic designing of the system of gas collection and transportation. english is language with many confusing rules.Before the middle of the 5th century,people in Britain all spoke Celtic.Then three Germanic tribes from the European mainland and the Vikings from the Northern European countries occupied Britain.Old Engl “3600KG” 用英文怎么读? 人生的意义 丁丽梅 一个从小在都市长大的女孩,受过良好教育,通音律,会钢琴,还出国留过学.回国后,她在城里拥有一份让人称羡的工作,生活安逸无虞.一次偶然机会,她去大山里游玩,被大山深 人生当看三座山是什么意思 求答案? 人生的意义与价值 季羡林 阅读答案