
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 16:12:55
函数y=√1/1-x定义域 求函数y=1/|x|-1的定义域. we were so afraid that some of us () loudly He was a cruel and ______ person; that was why all of them were afraid of him.1.insensitive 2.sensitive 3.sentimental 4.sensible 一道选择题They were afraid that it ___ rain the next day.A mustB shouldC mightD may其实我也选的c,但是答案给的是B? 恩格尔系数是什么啊 问个英语问题 the wine glasses were so_that i was afraid问个英语问题the wine glasses were so_that i was afraid to carry them home by bus.a.flexible b.delicate c.shaky d.tender 恩格尔系数是什么啊 函数y=x³+12x+1在定义域内属于 第一大题着么做 判断并证明函数y=-x³+1在定义域上的单调性 若函数f(x)=x³(x∈R),则函数y=f(-1)在其定义域上是什么函数 Could you like to go somewhere/anywhere warm 应该选anywhere还是somewhere Do you hope to go to______A.anywhere warm B.somewhere warm.选哪个? -Do you hope to -Yes ,I hate cold winter.A.anywhere warm B.somewhere warm 选择哪个?为什么 英语翻译如上 翻译成中文谢谢 what country has the first modern oiympic games? which is the first country_________(hold) the Olympic Games? 英语翻译 turkey would have been the first majority mass population country to host the Games. 鸡和鸭那种多?多多少? 鸡为什么和鸭不同? 77.Would you please ________(not prevent) me from becoming a member of the Birdwatching Club? This will prevent any gas from coming out of the tank.这句话怎么理解 1.This will prevent any gas from coming out of the tank.2.Protecting their children from the knowledge.3.Parents should judge what their children have done as it is.第一句 what would you change from this class to next 甲、乙两人比赛爬楼梯,甲跑到5楼时,乙恰好跑到3楼,照这样计算,甲跑到17楼时,乙跑到多少层楼? I live in bangkok,the c____ city of my country The city is the centre of c__ of the country.填什么.如题.如题 将一个圆柱均分成若干等分后切拼成一个近似长方体,近似长方体的表面积比原来圆柱体的表面积增加25%,如果圆柱的侧面积是314平方厘米,圆柱的表面积是多少平方厘米、、答对了之后还有悬 在等比数列{an}中,前n项和Sn=3^n+a,则通项公式为?结果带着a,我要具体步骤 等比数列2,6,18,54·····的前n项和公式Sn= 怎么证明等比数列前n项和公式Sn=a1*(1-q^n)/(1-q)?RT 求多种不同的方法推出等比数列前n项和公式Sn=a(1-q^n)/(1-q)