
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:21:34
小鸟向我们歌唱,花儿向我们点头:照着样子写下面的:太阳( ),禾苗( )绿树( ).请问怎么填?急, 《我爱唐诗宋词》的作文,初中的,至少500字!或者是... 我刚刚买了一本英语字典,只知道中文,该怎么查? 生活受到最好的教育的事例150字 给力一词的由来? 我每天认认真真写地汉字 我是韩国人,请帮我修改几个句子 “给力”一词最早的来源是什么? 给力这个词的由来 给力 这词起源哪里 卖炭翁这首诗表达了作者什么样的思想感情. 摘录文中最能表现诗人对卖炭翁感情的两句话 英语计算题A tensile test uses a test specimen that has a gage length of 50 mm and an area = 200 mm2.During the test the specimen yields under a load of 98,000 N.The corresponding gage length = 50.23 mm.This is the 0.2 percent yield point.The max 卖炭翁的感情色彩 英语应用题我买了自己喜欢的娃娃用英语说 应用题用英语怎么说就是小学做的那种应用题 怎么样才能拥有对语文的感觉?很想拥有! 应用题,英语!A contractor agreed to finish a project in 50days.He employed 120men who worked 9hours in a day.After 20 days,he found that only 1/3of the project was completed.How many more men should he employ to finish the work on time if each ma 简单的英语计算题1.I am a number.I am great than the product of 4 and 8.I am less than the difference between 550 and 515.I am an even number.What number am 2.Jim,John,Jerry and Joe together bought a basket of 144 apples.Jim received 10 more a 分析句子各个用逗号隔开的部分在句中成分,To be specific,the number of passengers per year in Tokyo,the most of that in the six cities,is 1927 million,but the system in 1927 with a 155-kilometre route is neither the earliest nor the l 高分追加:求分析此句的各个成分?谢谢a commonly drawn distinction is between pre-history ,i.e. the period before written records -and history in the narrow sense, meaning the study of the past using written evidence. 20句英语句子成分分析(根据答的情况追加悬赏分)1.Missing the bus means waiting for another hour.2.Great changes have taken place in my hometown.3.She starved herself trying to lose weight.4.Carelessness always leads to failure.5. 在下面的句子中填上恰当的表示黑的“ABB”式叠词你瞧,天()的.看来,马上要下雨了.远处()的一片,看不清是些什么东西.她有一头()的头发. 英语 at least中的at 表示什么呢 在下面的句子中填上恰当的表示灰的“ABB”式叠词越多越好 填上恰当的叠词例:清风(徐徐) 芳草( ),明月( ),流水( ) “至少现在是”用英语表达是“At least for now”吗?有没有错? 搞些好看的历史故事给我看 怎么看待压力是成功的阻力关于压力是成功的阻力 股票里的阻力点和压力点分别是什么? 股票上升阻力 股市种常说的阻力价什么意思 谁能解释一下以下几个词啊,是算命的竍顭挂瓶、腐草为莹、顺风吹帆、潇湘晚湖、竍顭挂瓶、夜朩宒蝉就是这几个字~