
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 03:53:17
many people pretend that they understand modern art .modern art 为什么前面不加冠词?如题···高手解答一下··它本身就是个复数的意思?像people? 用pertent造句,many people pretend to understand modern art.这么说对吗?用pertend造句,上面打错了 楼兰古城消失的原因? 楼兰古城消失的原因给予我们的启示hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The boy often makes up stories,Therefore,he is very_______A imaginaryB imaginativeC imaginingD imaginable 美丽中国年600字作文 谁能帮我解释下这个为什么选C阿I just don't understand (. )that prevents so manyI just don't understand (. )that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect. A.why it does B.what it does C.what it is D.why it is. I just don't understand __that prevents so many Americans froms being as happy as one might expect为什么用What it does 点A和B在直线L的同侧当平p点在l上什么地方使得|AP-BP|值最大 直线l两侧各有点A、B,在直线上求一点P,是|AP-BP|的值最大? 元旦联欢会主题企业的元旦联欢会 新年联欢会题目 我把原文复制下来:为充分展示公司三年上台阶年所取得的辉煌成就,激励员工工作热情,增强企业凝聚力,现公司面向项目全体职工征集“2013年元旦联欢会主题”.现我将公司前两年的元旦联 关于新年联欢会的主题我是北京的,我们要搞一个成人仪式,之后开联欢会,全年级的,有没有人能帮我想个主题,或者是其中的一个片段,不能超过10分钟.在此先谢谢了要是有什么创意也行 初一元旦联欢会主题 三个云字上共填七画(谜语是什么) 专辑介绍,英文,谢绝翻译器“I call this album ‘Aural Penetration’ because I want it to really penetrate into your ears, into your head, into your consciousness. It is more than just a soul album dealing with love and relationships; this 如图在直线L上确定一点P,使AP=BP. 英语翻译浅谈二胡的运弓摘要 :二胡是我国最具代表性的民族乐器之一,因其音域宽广、音色柔美、极富表现力和民族特色等独特的艺术魅力而广受青睐.近年来,随着二胡教学理论和实践的不 are you tourists yes ,__(we/they) are.are you tourists yes ,__(we/they) are.your passports.here __(you/they) are.选哪个?为什么? he wants (go) fishing after lunch ...too when taking a nap after lunch or go to sleep at 关于英语四级考试做题经验的传授.四级英语阅读中填ABCDE.什么的那个题,总是错很多.还有完形填空,几乎每篇做下来都要错个8、9个.有没有什么方法提高正确率?欢迎有经验的人士赐教~还有,四 大一,求过四级的高手传授经验 四级怎么过啊?求大神传授经验! 你四级口语怎么考的?传授点经验.我们马上要考了. 有关长江的简介(大约150字) 长江简介(不超过80字)5645 having almost run out of money,we were reduced----- in a cheap hotel.A to staying B to stay C staying D for staying为什么 A pound week...why,she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money.1986年考研英语完形填空中的一句话,选的是那个“why”,谁能给我解释一下为什么用的是why呢? Are you feeling ____Kate?----Yes,Thank you.A quite good B any well C quite better D any better -Are you feeling a little ---------(well) now?-Yes,thank you.横线上填什么,拜托讲清相关知识点,谢