
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 10:03:54
第14题 ABC为坐落在一条南北走向的公路上的三个车站,其中AB、BC的距离分别为3和2千米,在B站的正西方有D处,测得∠ADC=45°,已知ADC为开发区,其中水塘、建筑物面积6.3平方,其余是绿地是几? 填成语:1.( )( )( )( )( ),2( )( )( )音乐( )( )( ) marine engineering management Turnkey Management Engineer是什么意思?怎么翻译? 为什么空里填built 而不是having been built呀during the tourist season ,there are many people wandering in this city to see the old castles ________in the sixteenth century 永嘉之乱的历史如题 永嘉之乱的经过请把时间地点人物事件说得具体一些 “永嘉之乱”介绍. warning C4700: local variable 'x' used without having been initialized 求高手解释#include"stdio.h"void main(){int x,y;if (x>y)printf("%d",x);else printf("%d",y);} warning C4700:local variable 'L' used without having been initialized 但是定义了之后又有提示warning C4700:local variable 'count' used without having been initialized last of diary-se7en 歌词麻烦额,我要中文的歌词 解方程; 3x-2X4=7怎么做2x+4x=4.2x31/9x+1/2=3/4 3x-2X4+2x=12.5(解方程) 用…...有时.有时造句人教版第27课的练习册上的题, 高中的课本要怎么在步步高点读机上用呢、?(点读机型号 T600) local variable 'd' used without having been initialized是什么意思 local variable 'n' used without having been initialized#includemain(){int n,m,k,l,v=0;m=n/100;k=n%100/10;l=n%10;for(n=100;n 我们的交换日记 THE LAST CHANCE DIARY OF COMEDIANS怎么样 Last of Days 歌词 Payments hereunder shall be made to you at your account.with(bank)什么意思 error writing temporary file Make sure your temp folder isvalid刚刚显示的 I think to make your an eye 英语翻译Your letter of credit No.8844 issued by the Royal Bank of Canada has arrived.Upon further examination,we have found that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.As direct sailings to Portugal are infrequent,we have to transship 泥头车里的水泥为什么不会凝固经常在路上看到很多那些泥头车,装着水泥去建筑工地,我想知道水泥在车里可以放多久,它怎么不会凝固的? 《滕王阁序》全文重要注音,不光是注释中有的 水泥为什么能在水中凝固? 水泥加水为什么会凝固? 被动运输、主动运输和胞吞、胞吐的联系这是高一书里的啦,它写得一点也不清楚,所以想问下, Do you like math? 数y=2sinxcosx- (cos²x-sin²x)的最大值与最小值的积为________.