
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 15:34:10
希特勒是我心中的英雄,他是一个伟人,他的思想是伟大的,虽然全世界都不理解他! 林鸽种群较大时被苍鹰捕食的几率降低为什么,不是种群越大,数量越多更容易招来天敌吗? 故乡的歌是—支清远的笛,总在有月亮的晚上响起.仿照上面句子,另写两个富有意蕴的句子.故乡的歌是…,… 已知函数f(x)=sinx+cosx,F(x)=f'(x)[f(x)+f'(x)]-1,f'(x)是f(x)的导函数 (1)若tanx=1/3,求F(x)的值 (2)求F(x)得单调减区间 在△ABC中,三个内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且(a+b+c)(a-b+c)=3ac,求2sin Acos C-sin(A-C)的值;(2)、若b=3,求△ABC的周长的最大值 英语翻译Six Future High-Growth Areas in Industry1.Commercialization of Dormant CompoundsCompanies often have a reservoir of compounds that they abandoned prior to FDA approval,or that they did not commercialize.Finding ways to reposition or repur 英语翻译“I hope you won’t look down on women in the future” (Yukari,“Beauty Investigator”)Faint ripples of Yukari’s direct influence have reached as far as American television,through the stunt double work of her protege Sophia Crawfo 英语翻译Band:Theatre of TragedyAlbum:AegisSong:SirenCountry:Norway,1998SirenHaste not thine wisdom,for the hollow is ta'en -By whom,know I not; 'lack!am I of twain -And as a crux - cede I my words -Fro my heart wilt thou ne'erHave I been 'sooth s 英语翻译There are two basic ways to see growth:one as a product,the other as a process.People have generally viewed personal growth as an external(外在的) result or product that can easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a promo a≦x的平方+|2X-6| 对于一切实数X均成立,求实数a的最大值是?我想用数形结合解这题目...我把x的平方移到左边去..然后就画图了...可是分析出来a是6..但是答案是5..想了好久..那答案不是用数形 姐妹染色体上的等位基因都是相同基因吗? 那位穿红色衣服的妇女是做什么工作的?用英语说,the ,woman, , ? 非等位基因和相同基因都是相对于同源染色体而言的吗?.. 1.这位女士来这儿之前在那家旅馆服务 英文翻译是 the woman —— —— ——in that hotel before she came here2.lily and her parents have visted nanjing 改为同义句 lily—— —— ——her parents has visted nanjing 改写念故乡的歌词 德沃夏克为什么要写念故乡 诵读下面的词,开回答问题.红藕香残/玉簟秋.轻解/罗裳,独上/兰舟.云中/谁寄/锦书来?雁字/回时,月满/西楼.花自飘零/水自流.一种/相思,两处/闲愁.此情/无计/可消除,才下/眉 电子素在示波管的运动两平行班相距为d,电势差为U,一电子质量m电荷量e,沿垂直板面射出,最远到达的距离为h,电子具有的初动能请把过程写清楚【答案euh\d】 染色体是成对存在吗?神经细胞有几条染色单体? 成对染色体将染色体分成一对的依据是什么? 如图所示,曲轴上挂一个弹簧振子转动摇把,曲轴可以带动弹簧振子上下振动,例12.如图所示.曲轴上挂一个弹簧振子,转动摇把,曲轴可带动弹簧振子上下振动.开始时不转动摇把,让振子自由振动 一弹簧振子悬挂在一列静止的火车上,振动的位移—时间图线如图所示,求:(1)t2s 时,振子的振动方向;(2)0到2s 内,振子运动的路程;(3)若火车水平匀速行驶,每节铁轨的长度为 12m,则火 弹簧振子 v-t图一个弹簧振子上下运动时的V-T图是三角函数图像吗?弹簧有质量的vt图大致是不是也成三角函数图像,只是经过平移之类的? 求一题高三数学题,数学高手进已知点P在焦点为F1,F2的椭圆上运动,则与△PF1F2的边PF2相切,且与边F1F2,F1P的延长线相切的圆的圆心M一定在()A一条直线上 B一个圆上 C一个椭圆上 D一条抛物线 英语翻译Can you confirm me ifis necessary that we put other order?or can you make this? 关于x的方程4^|x|-2^(|x|+2)=k的实数根的个数不可能是几个? 英语翻译The artwork in thefront window should have a White base layer below the main color,so it doesn’tlook transparent like it does now. 英语翻译When you read this sentence,the population of the earth has grown by 10 people.That may not sound much,but it's about 14,000 people per hour.Most of these new people are born in developing countries.These countries are found in much of Af 求学霸解答,九年级数学一元二次方程 一元二次方程 用配方法解二分之一(2x-1)平方 =2 (2x减1)平方=x(3x+2)-7 数学一元二次方程 用一元二次方程解,