
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 18:25:17
一3.1415926是负分数吗? 在三角形ABC中,角A=π/4,tan(A+B)=7 ,AC=3根号2,求三角形ABC面积? 184和84的公因数是多少? 在三角形ABC中,若角A=丌/4,tan(A+B)=7,AC=3倍根号2,则三角形ABC的面积为? 84和231的最小公因数 He thought()grammar was important 这儿填studying还是to study —In our English study reading is more important than speaking.I think.—I don’t agree,speaking is than reading.A.as important as B.so important as C.the most important D.the same as Which is more important ,studying in universities or experiencing in society?求一篇有关这个话题的对话, 任意两个有理数的和,差,积,商(除数不为0)仍是有理数,成有理数对加减乘除法是封闭的;请你判断无理数对四则运算是否有封闭性. 七年级有理数加减乘除混合运算50题要有理数加减乘除混合运算50题 没有也行 七年级上册数学题有理数加减乘除的速算 秋天不会落叶的树有哪些 一百以内的合数的因数有哪些 100以内即使因数又是合数的数有哪些? 7加2用英语怎么说 11点加2小时是下午一点 用英语怎么说 Which one is more important in your career—your educational background or your working experienceQuestions for Reference:1. What is a successful career in our society?2. Discuss the importance of education and/or the importance of working exp In your life,which is more important,freedom or fight? 18的因数有( ),这些因数中( )即是奇数又是合数. 春夏秋冬四个季节的英文单词怎么写?如题 36的因数有()个,其中()是质数,()是奇数,()是合数,()既是奇数又是合数, n是一个小于100的合数,已知他的因数的个数是奇数,n最大是几? 春夏秋冬构成了四季 用英语翻译如题 As is known to all ,the effect of laughter ___physical and mental health is positive.The manager praised him for the practical idea he came up ___in the meeting.这两个空怎么填? 汉译英,译对给好评. 若△ABC中,2√2(sin^2A-sin^2C)=(a-b)sinB外接圆半径为√21求角C2求面积最大值 0.1 mol Al2(SO4)3 跟 350mL 2mol·L-1 NaOH 溶液混合,所得的沉淀的质量是多少? 0.1molCuSO4*5H2O晶体溶于水,加入适量NaOH溶液至沉淀完全,过滤,将沉淀洗净,充分烧成黑色固体多少克?某亚硫酸钠已部分氧化成硫酸钠,经测定该混合物含S :25%,求混合物中亚硫酸钠与硫酸钠的物 100以内同时只含有素因数3 .5的合数有几个?马上就要,回答越快,悬赏越多!!! 快乐的一天 作文400字 如图△ACB、△OEF是一副三角板其中CA=CB=a,∠ACB、∠EOF是直角,让△EOF的直角顶点O始终放在△ACB的边边AB的中点处,边AC、OE交于点M,边CB、OF交于点N,将△EOF绕O点不断旋转(在ACMCN是旋转过程中两三 1加2等于?