
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 20:18:36
Did they talk _____(talk)about any problems at the meeting yesturday.Did they _____(talk)about any problems at the meeting yesturday.上面打错了 They should talk about their problems.对talk about their problems提问.What _________ they _________? they talked about the problem among themselves,此处为什么不可以用among them?急用... 我与父母共创卫 作文600字 大手拉小手,创卫齐步走600字作文 有关创卫的作文,600字左右!谢谢啦! 我为幸福梅县做些什么 创卫 500字 作文 第一次主持班会作文 作文<记一次有意义的班队会>怎么写?最好发个范文过来 孔子的主要思想要包含孔子所有的思想!急. 孔子的主要思想是还有教育思想 I am going to talk about the math problem with my ____(part) 是problem with sth ,还是problem about sth? 运用文化知识说明亚运会会给我们带来哪些影响? do you have any problem ______ foreigners?A.to talk with B.talking with C.talk to D.talking about Where have they been? 过节习俗是迷信吗春节放鞭炮、贴春联、门神,端午节挂艾草菖蒲,说法都是驱邪迎祥,这些属于封建迷信吗?为什么不消亡反而代代相传呢? 孔子的主要观点和业绩是什么? 手表背面写有back water steel stainless resistant什么意思啊 talk about problems造句 “小手拉大手 ,你我争创文”南海大班会观后感,450字以上 请问“小手拉大手 创文在你我”南海大班会观后感点写啊? 南海大班会观后感怎么写啊 南海大班会观后感 手表背面写着WATER RESISTANT STANLESS STEEL BACK LE-384是什么牌子的手表 英语翻译(1) I rose to leave,wished him well,and headed for the exit.(2) So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee,I asked.(3) I asked if I might join him.第一二句的rose 第三句求句式分析 They ____(not stop)the meeting after I left 孔子的主要思想是什么? They watched trees last year一般疑问句 We planted trees last weekend改为特殊疑问句 At the end of last year ,they had planted 3,0000 trees(找错误) 手表背面1ATM WATER RESISTANT STAINLESS STEEL BACK JAPAN MOVT 48696G的手表价格是多少