
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 13:15:16
be the same as 和be the same from的区别? I love you,as the fish can not be separated from the same water 为什么说一个人的成功,20%来自于个人能力,80%来源于人际关系 词典和辞典这两个词有什么区别? "词典"和"辞典"有什么区别(除字不同外) 锦纶丝 _40D 满卷DTY 能卖多少钱 32st/r +75D DTY+40D/20DSP 做服装的新手~ Another is the Labradr current--cold water coming down from the Arctic,此名中为什么不用come down? 月亮女神用英文怎样写 我的爱为何这么累?英语怎么说?还有梦穿婚纱当新娘用英语怎么说?谢谢 单细胞的淡水藻有哪些? 急需一篇高中播音员稿子,要求200字 衣藻这种单细胞植物生活在什么水中?它有环状的叶绿体吗? 无线电如何使用特殊波段 现在的收音机最多的是几波段?我说的是调颏中波短长波短波1短波2等等加起耒,最多的是几波频 第41届戛纳国际广告节铜狮奖《热带雨林》上面的两棵树像什么? 右图是第45届戛纳国际广告节上获铜狮奖的一则公益广告,画上是两颗树,标题“热带雨林”,仔细观察,合理想象,为这泽公益广告写一条简明的广告词.要富有创意. 2008奥运会开幕式那个英文的播音员是谁是英文的播音员 08奥运会开幕式美 法 中 英入场顺序 有一则公益广告:一位年轻的妈妈给自己的母亲洗脚,并且告诉老人这样对身体有好处.这一切被孩子看见了.正当她准把教孩子洗脚时,却看见孩子端着洗脚水向她走来,边走边说:“妈妈(请 有一则公益广告:一位年轻的妈妈给自己的母亲洗脚,并且告诉老人这样对身体有好处.孩子看见了.写观后感有一则公益广告:一位年轻的妈妈给自己的母亲洗脚,并且告诉老人这样对身体有好 画面一:一位年轻的母亲蹲着身子为年迈的老人洗脚……(表达这则公益广告的意思)画面一:一位年轻的母亲蹲着身子为年迈的老人洗脚,一个四五岁的小男孩站在母亲的身旁专注地看着;画 帮我评价一下"妈妈洗脚"这个公益广告?帮我评价一下"妈妈洗脚"这个公益广告,顺便用语言来描述一下广告内容! You can____my name and my photo on it. people living near the sea can use as many water as they like.改错 有哪位高人来给我出几道英语填空题?题目是有关于“现在完成时”,共20道题.注意:最好是填关于“动词”或“动词的现在完成时”的一些(一道5分,总共可得到100分) Now many people like living in the countryside.They can enjoy n_____ there. in the play,i _______ _______ _____(扮角色)a of policemanthe cartoon characters ____ ____ _____(他所创作)were very lovablehe ____ _____(一言不发)at the meeting yesterdaywe shoule _____knowledge ______(从……学习)the practiceto 短文改错(共有10个错误) Tsunamis are threat to the life and property of people living nearTsunamis are threat to the life and property of people living near the ocean 1、__For example,in 1992 and 1993,over 2000 people are killed 2、__by tsu Not so many years ago,we seldom____(see)computers.Now he can go to school on foot instead of____(take)a car.I am interested in____(paint)Our mother never____(make)us disappointed.My brother is keen on___(play)badminton. 29.Those battered old trousers of his are a ________ joke to all his friends.A) steady B) stable C) standing D) persisting The Inuit near the North Pole___ the raw meat of seals. People livingPeople in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to eat. The Inuit near the North Pole 1____ the raw meat of seals. People living in the desert 2_