
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 13:57:24
数学的定义是什麼?学数的目的又是什麼?有谁能解答小生? 怎麼样学数学 为什麼要学数学? 怎么提高英语口语,语法,听力?高考结束,想精湛一下自己的英语.因为自己的英语还好,有次和外国人交流,完全就不知道如何表达了.所以怎么才能提高口语,听力?词汇是一定要扩展的.本人习惯 如何提高英语口语和语法水平?急详细 上东教育出版社六年级上册英语黑体单词 为什麼初中数学这麼难/ ^ 在数学中什麼意思 just hope you happiness 初中数学.以什麼为主 物理学中什麼是运动,什麼事静止 请尽快给予我答案! it is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age,sex and families.求翻译 请问,对于近代史到今天这一段漫长的历史,您的看法或感想是什么?我需要思想, 求一份近代史的读后感! 王守仁的心学,是属于唯物主义还是唯心主义?RT 为什么说张载是唯物主义?理学不是唯心主义么? 'i blacked down.' anyone who can tell me how to translate it into chinese? Could you tell me how to _________ "giraffe" in chinese?A.tell B.speak C.say D.talk要有理由 为什么孙悟空被称为毛脸雷公嘴?毛脸还能理解,但雷公嘴怎么解释?雷公嘴是什么样的呢? Could anyone tell me which free software can use to type Chinese?I need to type Chinese,but my PC cannot support insert Chinese.Please help me.I want to find a free programme which I can use to type Chinese.Thank you!please give me exact wedsite.Min can you tell me how to speak chinese? __________ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.WhenC.What D.As 耋耋之年对应的那个形容小孩的那个词.也很难写的 应该是耄耋之年还是耋耄之年? 耋耋是几岁啊 完型填空I once read a story about two college students.They were in the same... The top sellers were so popular with college students that they sold in no time.此句中sold 为什么不用被动 救急 羽在上立在下,这个字念什么? 耋宿什么意思? 虿耋什么意思 耋垤鲽什么意思