
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 12:47:56
1.甲乙两名工人合作生产一批零件,6天可以完成任务.现甲做了4天后,因事外出,由乙接着做6天,两人共完成任务的五分之四.那么乙单独生产这批零件需要多少天?2.甲乙两车分别从AB两地相对开出 AB两地相距2400米,甲从A地、乙从B地同时出发,在AB间往返长袍,甲每分钟300米,乙每分钟240米,在35分钟后停止运动.甲乙两人在第几次相遇时距A地最近?最近距离是多少米? 已知函数f(x)=asinwx+bcoswx(其中abw为实数,w>0)的最小正周期为2,并当x=1/3时,f(x)max=2,求f(x)解析式,在闭区间{21/4,23/4}上是否存在f(x)的对称轴?,若存在,求出对称轴方程,若不存在,说明理由 cvc和tc怎么分 外力对物体做功为零时,机械能一定守恒为什么是错的 英语翻译rewrite the following sales letter to a potential customer from the manufacturer of a device that gently rocks colicky babies to sleep.include an attention getting opening,describe the customer's need,explain your solution,include suppori 英语翻译The cost of deposit insurance in the UK is not completely clear as of November 2008.The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) paid around £3 billion to transfer deposits from Heritable Bank and Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander 英语翻译Hello My Sweet Lovely Wife,How are you doing?I must tell you that you are the happiness in my life but you know that i can never be disappointed in your language it is only a barrier which we can always be able to avoid.My love,i will alw 英语翻译what could happen to a clone of a lant containing a large number of individuals if a virus affecting that plant was to appear? 求证:tan2a-sin2a=tan2a·sin2atan2a-sin2a=tan2a·sin2a题目中2为2的次方 求证:tan2a-sin2a=tanasina 求证tan2asin2a=tan2a-sin2a (a前面是平方) 英语翻译Short,Controlled BurstsDefeat all Xenomorphs in the Sulaco hanger bay without them crossing your barricadeMostly Come at Night…Find Newt's dollHeavy LiftingDefeat the Raven in under 1:10 on Soldier difficulty or higherI Love the Corps!E 英语翻译They fly away and return with more food for the hive Sometimes we hear the music of the bees as they fly around but few people have ever seen them dance Yet without that dance we might never have sweet honey to eat 英语翻译难道是我英文不好,所以导致的我看到翻译软件把中文翻译成英文时,我感觉翻译得好 英语翻译Pack products with fresh packaging materials.(Products may incur damage and labels may fall off when packed with used packaging.)Confirm that the packaging does not contain any picture,label or print that might reveal confidential informa 两辆汽车同时从东西两站相向开出.第一次在离东站60千米的地方相遇,之后,两车继续以原来的速度前进.各自到达对方站后都立即返回,又在距中点西侧30千米处相遇,两站相距多少千米?不要方 客甲开往乙,每小时24千米.货船乙开往甲,12小时行完.相对开出,相遇客船货船路程比6:7,甲乙间的距离 甲乙两港,相距180千米,客船和货船同时从两港相对而行客船行完全程要6小时货船行完全程要9小时相遇时各行 一艘货轮和客轮同时从甲港匀速开往乙港.当客轮行完全程的一半时,货轮离乙港还有108千米.客轮到达乙港时,货轮离行了全程的80%.甲、乙两港相距多少千米?用算式怎么解 英语翻译There is still time to get your EkoMiko Candle for your honey for Valentine's Day.If you order 2day I will PERSONA... 古人说一盏茶的时间是多久啊 从甲港到乙港,客轮与货轮从甲港、乙港两地同时出发,相遇时客轮行了全程的60%,比货轮多行80千米.甲、乙两港相距多少千米?(要算式) 货船从甲到乙12小时,比客船从乙地到甲地时间多1/2,两船相遇时,客船比货船多行80千米,两地有几千米?要算式, 一艘客轮和一艘货轮分别从甲乙两港同时出发,想向而行,相遇时客轮行了全程的60%,比货轮多行80千米.甲乙两港相距多少千米? 小刚4年前的年龄等于小军6年后的年龄,小刚4年后的年龄与小军3年前的年龄之和是37岁,求小刚和小军今年个多少岁? 为什么台湾人可以来大陆随便定居,大陆人不能去台湾定居啊?去台湾这么麻烦,只能去台湾旅行或探亲才能去,为什么不让在台湾长期居住呢? 比如求精确到哪里的近似数、近似数精确到哪里.. 是用近似数吗? 5076000用亿做单位的近似数是什么? 帮我做几道关于近似数和有效数的题目!1.近似数5.0的准确值x的取值范围是____________2.0.00034的有效数字是那几个?3.23400的有效数字是那几个?如果可以最好给我这一课的练习, 193845000用亿做单位的近似数是2亿,我不太敢肯定,学过的东西忘记了如果是亿做单位,那不是可以约等于1.9亿吗