
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 12:43:59
弯腰弓背类似的词 LYDIA的意思?我很想知啊! 形容老了 有点弯腰的词 大概是“鞠楼”但是不对 lydia 是什么意思? ls her birthday in June? Dear Sir,I am ______ to your letter of june19thDear Sir,I am ______ to your letter of june19thA.answer B.reply He parked his car____the gate.A.in B.inside C.out 说明具体理由、语法 虎鲸怎样捕食? 十七大全称 我是学汉语的韩国人.十七大的全名是什么?请多指教. 面对祖国的名山大川,你能想起几个写山的四字词语吗?(至少写四个) 把下列主动语态的句子改写成被动语态的句子.Someone has repaired the car. 猴子捞月的故事的英语怎么读? of beauty in the eyes of the beholder home前面所接的介词是什么? 纳碎党的副党首叫什么名字?他后来好像“无缘无故”去了英国. We are at your service 猫更喜欢吃老鼠还是鱼,猴子更喜欢吃桃子还是香蕉说出为什么 i hope to bring you home. 95.We are at your service.Don’t _____ to turn to us if youhave any further problems.A.beg \x05B.hesitate C.desire \x05D.seek 翻译并分析 at your service什么意思 at your service 啥意思 稳居军中帐,牢捉飞行将.(打一动物) at your service 的完全句子前面应该加什么? Then he will go see his father 英语问题``为什么是go see 而不是go to see 或者之类的呢? it's a pleasure 和 at your service 的区别是什么例如——I likethis mobile phone,but I want to learn more about it before I buy it .----___________A.Thank you B At your service Cit's a pleasure DYou are welcome his father will go to his wedding的同义句 绝句二首」杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花草香.泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯、关于诗里描写的春景展开想象的作文.我狠急,:根据诗里描写春景,展开想象力写一篇春景的作文:::前提是要环绕这首诗 英语either...or 主谓一致的问题~________either he or I to attend the meeting this evening?这句话中,是填is还是天am呢?如果要是还原成陈述句的话,应该是am,但是如果是问句的话,是不是就是简单的把am给提前 either of either or 英语.就这两个搞不懂.、.尤其意思.二者搞晕了。 英语-either or怎么用是I want either a cat or a dog还是 I want either cat or dog? 绝句二首(其一) 杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花草香.泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯.诗中描绘的哪两幅画面既动静相印、对比鲜明,又生动传神地表现了春天气候变暖的特点?