来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 16:01:57
“生活就像一场强-奸,既然不能反抗,就去享受它”是谁说的.刚看到,觉得不错,想知道出处. 从南铁大厦到东海大厦怎么走? “生活就像被强奸,如果不能反抗,就好好享受吧”这句话最初出自那里啊? 东海航空怎么样 请问哪个中文的核心期刊可以投英文的稿件(化学类的)? I am very good at it.at it 是干个不停的意思吧 I'd be glad to.but I am not very good at it.would you mind teaching me? 用适当的次完成下列句子,表达正确的意思.The bathroom was wet this morning.But now it is _. 初高中衔接英语题1.改错:(A.When) (B.there) is a (C.will),(D.there) is a way.2.脑筋急转弯:What is black and white and red all over?3.-Beijing is the capital of China. -().A.All right B.Very right C.Quite right D.That's all right4. Finally they decided not to give in to the enemyFinally they_______ __________ not ________give in to the enemyFinally they_______ __________ _________ __________ that they would never give in to the enemy 英语初高中衔接题一道Did you know any English before you arrived in Washington?Yes ,I did .I ___English for two years when I was in middle school.A had learnedB have learned C had been learning D learned打得好有加分2.--I'm afraid if th I am not good at ___(swim),but I am good at ___(skate) wht?I am sorry!I am not good at chian! I have many friends ,but ( none) is a computer expert.为什么要用none,而不用no one 呢.It ( )a young girl ( )sadly A.sounded to be ; cry b.sounded like ; crying 为什么要选B,而不选A呢,like后面不是不可以接句子么 铵盐如:NH4CL,NH4NO3,(NH4)2SO4 一定不能和什么混合使用 否则肥效降低? 相同质量的下列铵盐,与足量KOH共热时,产生NH3最多的是?NH4Cl 、(NH4)2SO4、(NH4)2CO3、NH4HCO3 7月几日开始高中会考(生物、政治)北京地区啊 我是新疆的 会考没有过 要补考了 高屋建()四字成语 I be good at writing 还是 I am good at writing 说说都江堰被评为世界文化遗产的理由 以及对我们的启示 都江堰被定位为世界文化遗产的理由 容量瓶什么时候可以润洗 为什么“容量瓶用蒸馏水洗净后,在用待配溶液润洗”这句话是错的? 容量瓶使用时,能先用蒸馏水润洗吗? 容量瓶用水洗净后,能否再用待配溶液润洗?为什么?RT 找错别字那道. 征文,大人以前过春节和现在过春节的对比. 容量瓶用蒸馏水洗净后可以用待测液润洗吗?(各位帮帮忙······) 容量瓶用蒸馏水洗净后没有烘干容量浓度为什么没有偏小 改错别字:建恐公司建恐公司中有一个字是错别字,是哪一个 I am useless at it I am good at itI am useless at it I am good at it