
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 08:25:03
求一篇我的理想作文,400字左右,急用,明天就能给我的最好, 请以《我的理想》写一篇作文,我实在想不到怎么写,明天就要交了! 1.How do you study for an exam?____working with friends.A.By B.With C.On2.Is this notebook Tom's?It ____be Tom's.I saw Jenny's name on it.A.mustn's B.can't C.may not3.Do you mind my closing the window?____.It's much too noisy outside.A.Yes,please B.O 狮子和鹿与陶罐和铁罐有哪些相同的地方? 读完狮子和鹿后,你有何感想?你想对路说些什么呢? 读了《陶罐和铁罐》这个故事,我懂得了( ) 陶罐和铁罐和狮子和鹿这两篇课文的相同点和不同点 急求一篇作文名字叫我的理想 哲理网名 关于诚实守信的资料 关于《 真诚 》的作文素材 五年级上册语文课本任意一篇课文的梗概 小学五年级作文梗概 1.---what did you say to Julia?i saw her crying in the room .---it _____my fault.i played a joke on her when i met her.a:must have been b:should be c:oughtn't to be d:can't have been2.---didn't the policeman let you in ---_____,_____i told him who i farther is sleeping .Please( )the radio.Aturn on Bput down Cturn down Drut on最好要有翻译.再解释完这道题目后请详细说明这四个的用法与区别 帮忙起个哲理个性网名, 《厄运打不垮的信念》中,读了最后一段话,我明白了什么? 你知道历史上还有谁拥有厄运打不垮的信念,最终取得成功的事迹吗? 读《厄运打不垮的信念》有感 讲解 初中英语 Mary:What were you doing last night,Linda?I called at seven and you didn't pick up.Linda:Oh,I was in the kitchen helping my mom.Mary:I see ,I called again at eight and you didn't answer then either.Linda:What was I doing at eight?Oh,I know When 初中英语(详解)1.what brought joy to linda just now?_________A.received a giftB.receiving a giftC.she received a giftD.because she received a gift2.I left my keys in the room yesterday.I had to get in _______the window.A.inB.throughC.overD.to3.- 再走一步再走一步中“我”在那做小悬崖上学到了什么 这篇新材料作文应该怎么立意?材料如下:一个人在自己的门前中了棵愧树。一个过路的青年人看见了,对他说:愧树虫多。他便把树砍了,种了棵杨树。一个过路的老年人看见了,说:杨树 哪有英语口语交际教案? 语文一年级下册口语交际《该怎么做》教学设计 《该怎么办》口语交际教学设计与评析 急征口语交际教案1、湘教版小学语文三年级下册单元六《我是小导游》随着建国六十周年大庆活动来临,四方朋友络绎不绝地来到祖国各地参观游览,如果你是一名小导游,你将怎样向他们介绍 语文作文 《那一次,我_____ 》 帮我出个题目,素材也给出来吧.你们要给出素材啊,比如《那一次,我哭了》 要发出"我"为什么哭 选择填空:8.sport every day is good our health.A.Do,for B.Doing,to C.Doing,for D.Do,to9.—Was Jim a little ill last week?— .A.Yes,but he is better now B.No,he is well4.—What day was it?— .A.It is Monday B.It was Mid-Autumn DayC.It's my bi 以欣赏为话题的作文谁没400字,谁有400字, 《怎样保护周围的环境》口语交际教案