
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 04:50:50
谁能帮我做下炫舞自定义戒指图案,“凡”这个字,透明背景, Happiness,why you can not stay a little longer.请你解释下, “丹”这个字的含义 英语翻译being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing ;living in "public and illustrious thoughts," as Emerson would say,is something else.翻译.并且请问 public 在此是用哪种意思? 爱,这个字我不能理解,让人难琢磨,难懂!几次失去又几次得到. 街头小摊贩的食品存在哪些安全隐患? 哪些食物属于流动食物我整容了,只能吃流食,哪些食物属于流食呢 仿句:如果把人生比作一种漂流,那么家是一只小小的船,家是温暖的港湾,家也是永远的岸.仿照例句的句式和所用修辞,写出你对“家”的感受.如果——————,那么——————,———— how to sing song beautiful? i am dreaming to become singer in my life Have you seen my english book?啥意思 amusement park前面加A还是An 根据首字母填空I 've practised the song t ,so i am sure I can sing it well.we all go to the evening e him.the teacher asked me to keep a d every night 仿写:如果把人生比作一种漂流,那么家是一只小小的船,家是温暖的港湾,家也是永远的岸.写出对家的感受 天长地久是多久 是久到想哀婉的诗里写的那样决绝 还是就到牙齿掉光 掌中浅浅的纹路变得千沟万壑 是久到 撕心裂肺的说过的爱 都被年年岁岁的剥离到了时光里还是久到.后面怎么写啊? 介绍一些一语双关的句子吧.3Q最近在看Joey.对这类句子很感兴趣. 西班牙语中有的名词只有阴性或者阳性而像primo表哥这样的只要变个a就变阴性意思则变成表姐,希望指教 There is____amusement park near the cinema.A.a B.an C.the D./ there a park there is over连成话 There is an interesting park in America.用这些词填空.cannot短文没写完呢 There is a park a________后填什么 He wants to buy a CD,but he doesn’t have e money(怎么填空) Nice to meet you at last.Nice to meet you, 为什么后边还加上“at last”,这句话的意思是什么?谢谢! 霖字是什么意思请问,女孩叫依霖好听吗?合起来是什么意思?谢谢分解! You'd better _______(stay)here. 霖是什么意思 I didn’t hear _____ you said just now. The longer you wait ,the less time you have to meet your goals. A:Are you busy now?B:No ,I am not ___(busy)I was yesterday.如果正确, 仿照下例改句子.例子:I am busy now.(tomorrow,yesterday) I will be busy tomorrow.这是接着上面的例子啊:I was busy yesterday.那 You are at school now.(the day after tomorrow,last night)这句怎么改 Are you busy now?No,I am not ()(busy)I was yesterday.用形容词的适当形式填空 请问Due to rain,we have to stay indoor. 这句话有木有问题… 雪绒花英文版的歌词