
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 15:33:27
中翻英:他们小组的所有人都参与了那次争论.(get involved in) 一定要说明理由 1.How are comic strips produced?The article will probably be about that.(合并为宾语从句)2.People have destroyed more than half of all the trees on the earth in the late 200 year.(该被动语态)3.I want to buy a new 一定要说明理由 1.How ____ the little girl with long hair looks!A.quietly B.lovely C.beautifully D.wonderfully2.Don't forget to send me an E-mail when you _____the city of london.A.reach B.get C.arrive D.enter3.An ________ woman won the tennis 1._______ a wave of frustration,she felt at a loss as to how to respond to his angry words.A.Overcoming with B.Overcame by C.In order to overcome D.Overcome with2.The best job is ______ which uses your skill in doing something together with your inte 菱形的一条对角线与它的边相等,则他的锐角等于___° 已知菱形两条对角线长的乘积恰好等于它的一条边的根号3倍,若菱形的边长为1,则菱形的一个锐角的度数为? I always get stuck in rush hour traffic 不能用get involved in?.I always get stuck in rush hour traffic我觉得参与了堵车也行啊 肉眼怎么鉴别玉的好与坏? 二道英语题目 要说明理由 谢谢1.We should put the rubbish in the litter bin.(改为一般疑问句) ________ you _______ put the rubbish in the litter bin?2.Pansy was elected to be secretary of the class newspaper.(保持句意基本 一定要说明理由 1.People are planting more and more trees every year.(改为被动语态)More and more trees are _____ _____ every year.2.You have found out using the sun to give power to calculators.(改为反意疑问句)You have found ou 求到定点F(c,0)与到定直线l:x=a^2/c距离之比是c/a(c/a>1)的点M的轨迹 一定要说明理由 1.You should wash your hands before dinner.(保持原意不变)You'd _____ _____ have dinner with your dirty hands.2.The travel agent said that they would provide hotel for us.(保持愿意不变)The travel agent said that t 一定要说明理由 1.Neither that magazine nor this book _____ to be taken out of the library.A.are allowed B.is allowed C.allowed D.allows2.If you don't work hard,you will fall behind _____ students.A.others B.the others C.another D.the other3.Th 找高中必修一政治复习大纲 谁有高中必修一至必修四的政治复习提纲 高中必修三政治复习重点 高中必修4的政治复习提纲 曲线y=sin²x+6在x=兀/4处的切线的倾斜角是 y=sin²x的周期怎么求? More new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A.opportunitB.necessities C.realities D.probabilities z=z(x,y)是方程z+lnz-∫(x,y)e^(-t²)dt=0确定的,求d²z/dxdy 英语翻译The first spills in early 1922 (Fig.4) began to erode thefoundation at the downstream toe.Subsequently,an apron wasadded and the spillway training walls were improved.Thesemeasures reduced the hazard.Finally,in 1959 a thorough hydraulicst 求山东高中政治复习提纲, 学水利水电和英语能力有关吗 英语翻译The foundation,including abutments.should be of rock or consolidated materials sufficiently strong to support the structure an they must be watertight or so nearly so that excess leakage can be prevented by sealing any cracks or fissures 电流和电流之间的相互作用是通过电场还是磁场产生的? 高一物理 学渣求解 要过程 高一物理问题 我即将高一做暑假作业呢 许多难点不懂1.为什么总出现倾角37度 难道要背下来cos37吗?2.为什么我直接带入W=FSCOSa算出来的题目不对呢3.比如说有到题目 答案有mgssinacosa 可是我学 物理太抽象了 不懂该怎么学如题..平时一直都没有闲心观察事物 想象力严重贫乏 构造个立体几何就要费半天脑力 感觉物理是比数学还抽象的学科 数学起码是一笔一条线白纸黑字画在纸上的 求到定点F(C,0)(C大于0)和它到定直线L:X=a/c距离之比是c/a,(c/a大于1)的点M的轨迹方程 人教版高中政治复习提纲 求高中政治复习提纲!最好能详细一点的!高二这一年的吧!