
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 12:08:37
云的形状的形成原因天空中的云总会变出许多不同的图案 是什么原因造成的呢? 抛物线y=x^2,过平面上一点p作此抛物线的2条切线,分别交抛物线于点Q,R(1)如果点p的选取范围是 y 天空的云的形成原因 求具体解题,蟹蟹, 求解这一题,蟹蟹 云按成因划分可以分为哪五种吗 云变黑 原因下雨前.云为何变黑 云如何安成因分类 当不论∠ABC和∠BOC的度数是多少,∠MON的度数总是∠AOC的度数的一半,为什么?射线OC在∠AOB的内部,OM平分∠AOB,ON平分∠BOC 已知∠ABC=90°,∠BOC=30°,OM平分∠AOB,ON平分∠BOC,求∠MON的度数1.如果∠AOB=x,其他条件不变,直接写出∠MON的度数.2.如果∠BOC=y(y为锐角),其他条件不变,直接写出∠MON的度数.3.你从(1)(2)中能发 几道英语小题目,请英语高手进,请简单说明一些理由21.The planets are so far away that it is impossible ____ in miles. A. that we measure it B. to us to measure them C. for us to measure them D. measuring them 22.Only by diligence a 几道英语小问题,请简单说明理由16.Words had come from the manager____a new transaction would be concluded.A.who B.that C.which D.when 17.She doesn’t like ____ indoors.A.to keep B.being kept C.to be keeping D.be kept 18.we consider ____ 31.We shall ask for samples ____ and then we can make our decision.A.to be sent B.being sent C.to send D.to have been sent 32.Tom was very happy when his parents told him that they ____ back to America soon.A.would come B.will come C.is coming D.are 49,no sooner had he finished his speech ______ storng applause broken out.A,when B,then C,than D,as 50,Geometry,_________ I know nothing ,seems a very dull subject.A,that B,about that C,which D,about which 51,sound is conducted though steel in the so 52,the police finally caught up with the man _______ was the escaped prisoner.A,who they thought B,whom they thought C,they thought him D,that they thought him 53,________ do you believe is not about to support our plan?A,whom B,who C,whomever D,whic 有没有人买过立莱的灯泡? 有没有人知道这灯泡的型号?(LED手电筒) 设f(x,y)=x^3*y-y^3*x,则fx(0,1)=?没听课的学渣伤不起 要一些简答题和材料题 已知&,b均为锐角,cos&=1/7,sin(&+b)=5根号3/14,求角b的值.用两角差的余弦公式,最后一步必须写好 右上角的2 火车票后面06车010号是什么意思 函数Y=1+cos2x的单调递减区间?要有详细的解题过程! 概率分布题某射击手对目标射击,射击到击中目标两次为止,用X表示第一次击中目标的射击次数,以Y表示第二次击中目标的射击次数,求(X,Y)的分布 卡方分布概率题X下面4上面2,求Y小于等于7.78的概率顺便Y~t30,求Y小于等于1的概率 fx=e^/lnx/-/x-1/x/,则y=f(x+1)的大致图像为只要是fx的图像怎么画 f(x,y)=xy^2+e^x,则fx(0,1)等于多少 函数f(x)=log(1/3)[Sin2x+Cos2x)的单调区间 设f(x,y)= e^-sinx (x+2y),fx'(读作f次x)(0,1)= 求函数Y=log二分之一(sin2x+cos2x)的递减区间 你能讲的在详细点不? log(sin2x+cos2x)/log(1/2) 增区间跟我做的不一样 我的是(3π/8+kπ,5π/8),k取整数 设A是-4的相反数与-12的绝对值的差,B是比-6大5的数.你知道A-B与B-A之间有什么关系?