
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 05:19:30
长沙某房地产公司准备在二环线开发一新楼盘 小红买了6支铅笔和6本练习本,共花了13.8元.每本练习本的价钱是1.5元,每支铅笔多少钱? 古琴曲《碧涧流泉》里 八开 的意思,如图: only 计算(12a²b²-8ab²)÷4ab² 会计业务题求做分录!某工业企业l月份发生下列经济业务:(1)1日,从银行提取现金1 000元备用.(2)2日,从黄海厂购进材料一批,已验收入库,价款5 000元,增值税进项税8 520元,款项尚未支付.(3)2日,销 becare ful 后面两个空着的. 后面还有两个空 最后面是两个空 玩什么 拼音怎么写 股票中撤单的意思是什么? I ful you的中文意思是什么阿? 2冲车和4冲车骑起来有什么区别 英译中 谁帮个忙 不难的 不要机翻Students are likely to suggest Google should maintain its current strategic course,but continue to add features for Google users and continue to increase the number of web sites downloaded and searched.Its 已知|a+1|+|b-3|=0 则(a-b)(a+b)/(a-b)的值是多少 日本地址,英译中,拒绝机翻!Toranomon 5 Mori Building, 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku 1 Minami Honmoku Naka-ku Nagoya Nishiki Front Tower Bldg., 8th Fl. 3-4, Nishiki 2-chome Naka-ku Nakanoshima Mitsui Bldg., 18F, 3-3-3, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku 4,Ni 英语翻译single rebated wrapdouble rebated warp round fram joint:welded corner miter jointstruct’L opening cold rolled steel 1.2mm pressed steel sheetmortar guardsexpansion boltgralvaniged steel melded @cornerspressed steel frame single door a 英语翻译1.This story became the subject of a 1996 Hollywood movie called the Ghost the Darkness.2.This chewing gum had a strong taste.3.Many people became worried that it would soon fall apart.4.African gray parrots are the birds best know for th 英语翻译如下:I hope you will allow me not to worry and hope you will be happy every day 要最贴切的答案,当然如果有几个答案也可一一列举 不需要算式. 第二题 为什么选B不选A 第四题 为什么选D不选C 树之以桑的之到底是什么意思 甲乙两家相距54千米,甲乙二人分别从各自的家同时出发,相向而行,甲比乙每小时多行走1千米,6小时后相遇,求两人的速度各是多少! 树之以桑 之什么意思 “人贱自有天收”怎样理解?有没有人觉得有没有道理呢? 1、She ----- TV when his father got home.A will watch B watches C is watching Dwas watching2.My Chinese teacher is very funny and he often makes us -----.A laughs B laughing C laugh D is laughing 名堂的近义词?名堂的近义词是什么?是不是作为?或者别的是说一个科学家搞出了大名堂,不是那种贬义词,依据这个内容名堂应该是什么意思啊 第2小题名堂的近义词 英语翻译More dimensions are needed for the gland nut,how the gland nut attaches to the barrel,dimensions for the piston head,what seals you want to useWhat has to be corrosion resistant 英语翻译PLATING:SPRING CONTACT PLATING TO BE TESTED ON A LOT BASIS PER 069-7497BLOCKER:NO BLOCKER ALLOWEDUNDER PLATING:1.2 UM NICKEL MINIMUM,ALL OVEROVER PLATING:0.8 UM GOLD MINIMUM,ON END OF SPRING CONTACTOVER PLATING:3-5 UM TIN,LOCAL TO PADCONT .算一算 不是直接写得数.3分之1+2分之1-6分之1= 1又9分之1-7分之2-3分之1= 13分之4+8分之3-14分之3= 1-(61.算一算 不是直接写得数.3分之1+2分之1-6分之1= 1又9分之1-7分之2-3分之1= 13分之4+8分之3-14分之3= 一拥而上中拥的意思 1.抱; 2.围着; 3.拥护; 4.(人群)挤着走