
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 16:07:12
高一数学题 拍得很清楚的忽略我的选项 已知三个正数a,b,c成等差数列,求证:1/(根号b+根号c),1/(根号c+根号a),1/(根号a+根号b)成等差数列懂了,谢 要得到y=根号2cosx,要把y=根号2sin(2x+π/4)图像如何?要不要把2先提出来 要得到y=根号2cosx,要把y=根号2sin(2x+π/4)图像如何?为什么是向右移动π/8个单位? 高一数学题、二次函数f(x)、高手进.已知二次函数f(x)满足f(x+1)-f(x)=2x且f(0)=1 (1)求f(x)的解析式 (2)当x∈[-1,1]时,不等式:f(x)>2x+m恒成立,求实数m的范围 (3)设g(t)=f(2t+a),t∈[-1,1],求g(t)的 1,已知一个二次函数的图像通过点A(1,6),B(2,5),C(-1,0)三点,求这个二次函数的解析式.2,已知一个二次函数f(x)的图像顶点坐标为(1,2),并且经过P(4,20),求f(x)的解析式. 这段英文有什么语法错误吗?I asked you if you went with me.(我问你 你是否愿意和我走?)You anwsered that i'd rather not.(你回答 我不愿意.)I was sad(我伤心.)When you repeat one,i cried.you went alone.(当你重 这段英文有什么语法错误么?Hi,Bro!Day Dreamer's comin,I thought that u r a sunshine boy,but after my reading ur words in the space,I found another Wen who has a soft & tender heart.BTW,The girls in ur album is very pretty, 关于“二次函数”的应用题某商场以每件30元的价格购进一种商品,试销中发现这种商品每天的销售量m件(件)与每件的销售价x(元)满足一次函数m=162-3x,30小于等于x小于等于54.(1)写出商 如果正比例函数Y=KX的图像经过点(1,-2),那么k=?详细的过程 如果正比例函数y=kx的图像经过点(-1,0.5),那么k= 正比例 函数y=kx(k≠0)的图像是经过谁和谁的一条直线;一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0)的图像时经过点谁和谁两点 Today we only have two classes.Many teachers don't have classes.Because of the 5.1 holiday will caming.we came back dormitory after the two classes.we only have three days holidaysThe holiday is too short.we cannot go anywhere.we don't have much mone 下面一段英文,请帮我指出语法错误,If I choose,I will choose novel first.My favorite novel is little prince which is a short fairy tale.Actually,I love short stories due to I don’t have much time to read in my daily life.Although the st 谁帮我改下以下这段英文的语法错误 大家进来帮我解决一道方程应用题李晶做了20道题,共得了76分,做错一道题不得分,还要扣3分,李晶做对了多少题?做错了多少题? 已知f(x)=(mx-1)√(mx^-4mx+5)的定义域为R 求m的取值范围f(x)=(mx-1)/√(mx^-4mx+5) 英语翻译Mike is a student of Green Tree High School.He get up late this morning.So he missed the school bus.He rode his bike to the school quickly.Mike didn't look at the traffic lights,suddenly he hit a car.The car driver tllk him to hospital ri 英语翻译Laws have been written to govern the use of American national Flag,and to ensure proper respect for the flag.Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use.All the armed services have precise regulations on how to displ 英语翻译Plants are very important living things.Life can't go on without plants.this because plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.Animals get their food from eating plants and animals,and so on,so animals and man need plants in order 英语翻译翻译好追加50分Sorry,my lover ...I have given you my heart.Probably she is your Princess ,I should give up .But I just hope you will be happy forever.No matter what happens ,please remember ...Nothing's gonna change my love for you. 请找出这段英文的语法错误并改正"The Happy Prince" writes about the story of the Happy Prince and a swallow. Story goes that the Happy Prince's statue stands right in the middle of the city. His body was made of pure gold and his eyes of 以下一段英文 求找出语法错误并改正Nowadays,as China’s internationalstanding has risen notably,Chinese culturehave been swarming into America.We canfind it from American TV series and films.The film kongfu panda contains abundant prof 请将这段英语中语法错误的,帮我改正下,As an English major student,improving the oral English is not only a task but also a necessity.At the beginning of this term,I was very worried about my English spoken and I was puzzled how can I d 英语翻译哪位英语高手能帮我翻译篇全英的文章,翻译成汉文的?现在有急用,英语文章在下面:Amazing Intelligent Transportation In fact,any international city has undergone a rapid growth as a result of motor vehicle tra 查找英语语法错误2006 honored with the first prize of Campus Compositions Competition of Summer Activity中文意思是:”2006年荣获“暑期实践校园征文比赛”一等奖” 这样说准确吗? 1.Are you sure that the play___at the theatre tonight?选A 这个是真的不懂 A.is on B.will on C.on D.is out2.Sea water___salt.选A contain和include有什么区别呢?A.contains B.contain C.includes D.include 高一数学题,两道,要过程 高一数学大题,要过程 高一数学 第八题怎么做 要过程! 已知方程(a-1)x^2-(a^2+1)x+a^2+a=0的根是正整数,求a的整数值.答案中有a=1时,方程化为:-2x+2=0,得:x=1,符合这个a=1,是猜出来的还是通过计算得出来的,正常用因式分解的方法,a≠1,因为分母不 1,方程x^2+(m+1)x+2m-1=0 的两个根是整数,求m的整数值.2,求所有正实数a.使得方程x^2-ax+4a=0仅有整数根.已知m.n是有理数.方程x^2+mx+n=0有一个正根是根号5-2 求m+n