
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 04:45:30
天下没有不色的男人,只有能不能控制的男人,大家觉得这句话有道理吗?一个男人如果色,那么他要不要改变是不是一个色男人,是不专一的男人呢? 这世界唯一不变的就是变化`这句话有道理吗`./ 科学是改变世界的巨大力量,它能给人类带来福音,也能给人类带来灾难,如果就这个进行辨论你持何观点?把你 He is six feet in_____(tall).填什么? The man is six feet and three inches tall.改错 5月到9月的雅思A类作文题目请知道的朋友告诉我2008年5月到9月这期间都考了哪些作文题目.顺便列出它们属于那类话题. i think ___ important to protect our earth.A .thtat B.it C.what A.that 上面的打错了.不好意思 1.Earlier technological development brought more beneficial changes to the life of ordinary people than the recent technological development will.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.Intelligent machines such as robots are increasingly being use 甲乙两队合做一项工程要24天完成,如果甲队做6天,乙队做4天,只能完成工程的五分之一,两队单独完成任务 一块长方形桌布的面积是五分之八平方米,长是2米,它的宽是多少米?如果在桌布的周围加上一条花边,花...一块长方形桌布的面积是五分之八平方米,长是2米,它的宽是多少米?如果在桌布的周围 这句话有道理吗?京油子、卫嘴子、保定府的狗腿子 这句话 .有道理么.“ 命运的藤条鞭挞着每个人的内心深处,是血腥的味道遍布全身,是悲怜的声音阻止了勇敢的前进,是绝望的思想掩埋住快乐的根源,是残忍的现实踏着高傲的步伐踩碎虚幻的 你们说这句话有道理没? She is tall.改为否定句 What ways do you think of____ (keep) our classroom clean? Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake,regardless of whether the co I think it's important to keep the room clean.I think ____ ____ to keep the room clean. 雅思作文题,Many people say that companies and private tour operators should pay the bills for cleaning up pollution,instead of the government.To what extent do you agree or disagree with that?这题目到底是专指公司和旅行社要对治 Do you think_important_fit?A.that;keep B.that;to keep C.it;keep D.it;to keepIt is important_(drink)lots of water every day.I do my homework for fifty-five minutes every day.改为同义句I do my homework for___ _____ an hour every day. 雅思作文题目有没有人记得2010.2.11考的大小作文的题目记得请回忆一下,感激不尽~ 1cm平方=多少m平方? 1cm平方等於多少cm 扇形OAB的面积是1cm的平方,半径是1cm,则它的中心角的弧度数为 扇形的面积是1cm的平方,半径是1cm,它的周长为?(请写出过程, 客货两车的速度比是3:2.,货车行完甲乙两地全程要3时.如果客货两车同时从甲乙两地出发,几时可以相遇? 客货两车的速度比是3:2,货车行完全程要2/9时.两车同时从甲乙两地出发,几时相遇 客货两车的速度比试3:2 货车行完甲乙两地全程要二分之九小时 如果两辆车同时从两地出发 几小时可以相遇?2/5*9/2=9/5这样算行不? 一个圆锥与一个圆柱的体积之比是1比2,底面积之比是3比4,圆柱的高是9cm,求圆锥高 16米的5/8和多少米的2/5同样长? 16米的8分之5和()米的5分之2同样长 Miss Brown can jump over the wall which is ____.A.six-feet-high B.six-foot-highC.six foot high D.six feet high请问英语达人,该题应该选哪个答案?为什么?而six feet high和six-foot-high区别又是什么呢? I don't think globalization is endangering our t____ values.On the contrary,it will be the brige connecting to the modern ones.