
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 20:44:37
香港多地震吗?我是准备到香港读书,但最近世界上发生了不少地震,所以有些担心.请问香港容易发生地震吗? 香港会有地震和海啸吗?或者受自然灾害的影响?香港会发生自然灾害吗?香港这块地方安全吗? in many cities drivers cav honk their car horns ______necessaryonly when ifonly ifat为什么填only when in many cities drivers can honk their car horns ______necessary Do you like a package tour or travelling by yourself?Give your reasons.请用一到两分钟的英语回答. Would you like to join a tour group or backpack your way round when you go travelling? ?说说理由. 英语翻译 how close is someone if they are becide you 翻译 soul家是什么家族? If someone is diplomatic it means they are?他的语法是怎么样的 (0.75-8分之3)乘以9分之3除以5分之3和1-7分之5除以4分之5+2分之1该怎样简便 请问:一衣带水, SAT作文能将满分作文的开头结尾模仿下来,中间写自己的内容吗?SAT作文能将满分作文的开头结尾模仿下来(再不跑题的前提下),再写自己知道的事例吗?如果用OG给的范文,会不会被看出来然后 成语“一衣带水”中 help,3q!"带"可不可以做"连带"讲? 成语“一衣带水”是什么意思? 一衣带水这个成语是什麽短语 relevant什么意思 Categories是什么意思?这个单词的原单词是不是category? categories中文意思请告知我详细些 英语翻译翻译内容:ndividual Assignment (50%)Taking as a starting point your group presentation and report (and the inclusion of any feedback that you received from the lecturers on that presentation and report),produce a report (50%) and pro 翻译,机器翻译请绕行.So, what is your area of excellence? What are you especially good at right now? If things continue as they are, what are you likely to be good at in the future-say one or two or even five years from now? Is this a marketa 用这三个词语写一句连贯的话:食态可掬,津津有味,美味佳肴 英语翻译A recent global water supply and sanitation assessment reports that the percentage of people served with some form of improved water supply rose from 79% (4.1 billion) in 1990 to 82% (4.9billion) in 2000.For sanitation purposes an increas 问号为什么要是?这个形状.谁发明的“?” 为什么要成这个形状?有人明白么? 问号为什么是这个形状? relevant reference 同上,还有 electronic address.每个单词的意思都知道, 家具木材 ash wood 的中文意思ash wood 是水曲柳?还是词霸中ash[AF]n.灰,灰烬,[植]岑树 家具木材 ash wood 的中文意思是什么? 这是哪一种蝴蝶? 这蝴蝶怎样搜?(这个是同学帮我搜的) relevant criteria是什么意思 blond wood 是哪种木头 用于做家具和装修的 什么是as400?AS是哪两个英文的缩写?什么是as400?AS应该是哪两个英文的缩写?