
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 03:46:27
袋子里有若干个棋子,小华每次拿出其中的一半多2个,一共这样拿出了5次,袋中还有3个棋子,原来袋中共有多少个棋子? 将100个棋子放在15个塑料袋里.使每个袋子的棋子不同,这可能吗 把一些棋子分放在4个袋子里,其中总数的25%放甲袋里,总数的3分之1放乙袋里,放丙袋里的棋子是甲乙总和的7分之1,丁袋放30个.共多少棋子? 佛教名相 :「一切智,自然智,道种智,一切种智,无师智,无碍智」等有何分别? 设x,y,z均为int型变量,则执行x=y=5;z=++x||++y后,xyz的值依次是? 应道智是谁? 华夏智道的拓展项目都有那些? 三分之四减八x=三减二分之十一x DNA解旋酶水解成什么彻底水解成氨基酸分子对不 英语翻译a 40kg army equipment package is dropped from a plane and would have landed on the target .however it fell apart into a 15kg and a25kg piece,in the air.15kg piece landed 300m shhort of the target ,where did the 25 piece land?我做出来 英语翻译 For a time of 250s,state the value using each prefix.Use both decimal and scientific notation.a) microb) millic)kilod)mega 已知f(x)对任意x.y属于R,只有f(x)+f(y)=f(x+y),且当x大于0时,f(x)小于0 比较f(-2)与f(8分之1)大..已知f(x)对任意x.y属于R,只有f(x)+f(y)=f(x+y),且当x大于0时,f(x)小于0 比较f(-2)与f(8分之1)大. 若x属于{y|y=x^2-2x+2,x属于R} 则(x+1)分之1属于 如何用VB表示?c = 根号,和平方 怎么表示呀? VB的角度是怎么表示的比如说,我想计算一个 150度30分 的角,我应该怎么用VB语言去表达这个角度? VB中 \ 表示什么 平面图与地图的关系与区别是什么? 画一幅地区的平面图,应该在图上注明哪几种地图“语言” 英语翻译5.The SI unit of mass is the kilogram.What is the SI unit of charge?6.The proportionality constant k in Coulomb’s law is huge in ordinary units,whereas the proportionality constant G in Newton’s law of gravitation is tiny.What does th 若/x-2/+/y+1/=0则x=--------,y=------------ 英语翻译1.the height of the atmosphere is about 30km.the radius of earth is 6400km.what percentage of earth's radius is the height of the atmosphere? would the density of air at the bottom of a deep mine shaft compare to the density of the a 若|x-1+|Y+2|=0则(X+1)(Y+2)=? (x+y)²-2(x+y)+1=0则x+y= 若x,y满足|x-y+1|+(x+y+3)^2=0则x^2-y^2= 根据句意和首写字母填单词1、mr li is a d().he work in a hospital.2、mr ge is a t().he teaches us english.3、l am a s().l study in no.5 middle school.4、miss liu is a n().her job is to look after the patients.5、my uncle is a c().he wo 根据句意和首字母提示写单词.【1】I often watch TV and have d----------- with my family.【2】I get up at seven .Then I w-------- my face.【3】After class ,I like to t-------- about music with my friends.【4】Class s---------- at 8 线性代数,第9题有什么简单算法吗?求高手解答 若x>0,y>0.则x+y>1是x^2+y^2>1的__条件 |x+y| 由(a+1)x^2y^2的条件是 x+y=3是x=1或y=2的什么条件求详解