
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 18:59:39
书法的几种书体及代表人物 AB,CD,是圆O中的两条互相垂直的直径,P是AB上一点,若∠CPO=60°,则OA:OP的值 中国书法有哪几种书体 如图所示,AB切圆O于B,AB交圆O于C、D,OP⊥CD于点P,若AB=4,AD=8,OP=1,则OA等于( )A,根号26 B,2倍根号6 C.根号17 D.根号37清P38-9 书法字体有几种,它和书体是一回事吗? 麻烦大家这个空应该填什么?万分感谢Right after the Spring Festival, millions of young people________ from the countryside to the cities in search of work.答案是drifted,还有一个选项是descend, 为什么不可以呢?descend from 已知直线Y=-3X+6和Y=X,求它们与Y铀所围成的三角形面积!)帮我挖·已知直线Y=-3X+6和Y=X,求它们与Y铀所围成的三角形面积!帮我挖· 若直线y=3x+b与两坐标所围成的三角形面积是6,求该直线的关系式 若直线y=3x+b与两坐标围成的三角形的面积为24,则k=不要只有答案,还要有解题思路 已知点p(1,-2)是角a上的一点 ,求角a的六个三角函数值(详细过程)谢谢 中国历史古代史的阶段特征怎么写?把时期分为六个时期 先秦 秦汉 . 小猴子用英语怎么写 已知A1、A2、A3是抛物线y=1/4x²平方上的三点,它们相应的横坐标为连续偶数(n-2,)、n、(n+2)(其中n>2),直线A1B1,A2B2,A3B3分别垂直x轴于点B1、B2、B3,直线A2B2交线段A1A3于点C(1)当n=4,如图一 Union Turnpike怎么翻译 求答!小六英语 Do you have to buy this hat?No,I________.It isn't necessary.(a)mustn't (b)won't (c)needn't (d)don't need选择哪一个,为什么? 英语 小六 即答即采 save collective bargaining是什么意思? The Railway Labor Mediation Act of 1926 supported the use of collective bargaining to avert interruption of rail service.怎么翻译好呢? collective 求两个三角函数值的大小cos8分之15派,cos9分之14派 比较大小 2兀三角函数值各个是多少? 下列各组中的两个三角函数值的大小关系正确的是A.sin508>sin144度 B.cos760tanπ/6 D.cos(-47π/10)>cos(-44π/9)选D下列各组中的两个三角函数值的大小关系正确的是 A.sin508>sin144度 B.cos760tanπ/6 D.cos(-47π/10) 楚人养狙 文中群猴 弗敢违 的原因是什么? why didi Bolt run so fast?Most people wanted to know.(合并为一句) 英文 reported Speech"Tell me the truth!" He demand to be told the truth(为什麼不可以He demand to told the truth?)还有一题..The building ( C ) window are bright at night is our school buildingA.which B.that C.whose D.whom(我想问为什 两题相似三角形题目!(1) 如图,△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,D为BC中点,过D作BC的垂线,交AB于E,交CA延长线于点F,求证:AD平方=DE×DF (2)已知,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,D是BC上的一点,过点B作BE⊥AB,且∠BAE=∠DAC, Reported speech 题目--------高手请进1.Pansy said to us,“Would you like to come and stay for the weekend?”2.“I’ll help you type up that report,” Steve said.3.The doctor said,“You should take it easy for a few days,Tammy.”4.Peggy sa 能帮我改成reported speech吗?'where did you leave you bag,Mrs Wong?' asked the policeman.'which radio channel is Tim listening to?' asked Judy.'when does the stationery shop close?' asked Bob. reported speech 文法reported speech 什麼时侯需要加that,什麼时侯不需加that?例如,He said that he liked singing.He said she was going shopping 求一题相似三角形的题目,万急,已知在Rt△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC,D为BC的中点,E为AC上一点,点G在BE上,连接DG并并延长交AE于F,若∠FGE=45°.试说明:AG⊥BE reported speech 中各种时态的变化past continuous becomes WHAT?Simple past becomes WHAT?……