
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 00:51:37
高中数学三角有关一道万能公式题目的运用sina+cosa=7/13 0 求这个题用的公式若a=(-4,3),b=(5,6),则3|a|平方-4ab=多少 第8题 个位上是0的数,一定是2和5的倍数对吗? 已知点A(m,n)在反比例函数y=x分之k的图像上,且m,n是方程x²-5x-6=0的两根,求K的值 反比例函数y=k/x的图像上有一点A(m,n),其坐标是关于x的方程x^2-5x+6=0的解,求该反比例函数的表达式 In an international context,China presents an interesting case study.China's unique macro economic and political system has undergone a series of reforms which have thoroughly affected changes in the telecommunications sector,and have made it necessa 英语翻译The tests were repeated over again inorder to study the adsorption behaviour of RB21 with the presence of different constant initial concentrations of RR195 (50,100 and 150mgL−1),as given in Table 1 . 英语翻译Should the seller substitute the performing vessel,a vessel nomination to the Buyer will be sent,informing the details of vessel,ETA loading port and so on.Buyer should confirm its acceptance or rejection to the Seller within 1 days after 能翻一下么、、不要工具出来,急用,According to Puver ,Sligh places a strong focus on function .In addition to time constrains on consumers ,he sees the evoution of the personal computer as a driving force behind the rise in demand for ad 我敬仰我的父亲.1.改为反问句 2.改为双重否定句 3.改为感叹句 数学暑假接力棒5升6全部答案 求求你们了!能力提升!求求你们了,好的话我会再加十分的 全国版暑假接力棒小学4升5年级语文答案 语文《暑假接力棒》5升6年级26面至29面答案 暑假接力棒5升6答案:求你么了,告诉我语文暑假接力棒5升6的11面到16面的答案,好的话我还会在加10分! 1.若a=(1,2),b=(-3,2),当K为何值时,(Ka+b)大于等于(a-3b)其中a和b都是向量2.已知sina=2/3,a∈(π,3/2π),cosb=3/4,b∈(3/2π,2π),求cos(b-a)的值 英语翻译流行语的存在和流行是客观事实,既是一个文化现象,又是一个语言现象,而且常常是一个临时的现象,对语言来说,它的存在并不说明它必然会成为语言的合法成员在不同时期有不同的 英语翻译很多整句翻译的软件有严重的语法错误啊~ 中译日,不要机翻求大神帮翻译:我想说我还爱你,可是却在也没有当初那份要和你一起到老不离不弃的执着了. 求翻译 日翻中 大于负二且小于正三的整数有几个?他们分别是( ) matlab画三角函数的问题请大神帮我看看这四个函数,run的时候总是出错,应该怎么写才对呢?y1=sin(1/5*pi*n);y2=cos(1/10*pi*n-pi/5);y3=sin(1/5*pi*n)*(5/6).^n;y4=(3/2).^n*sin(1/5*pi*n);我试着a1=1/5;a2=1/10再代进去也报 求助利用matlab计算含三角函数的方程组的数值解,如何使数值解更为精确?13576000*(cos(x(1))+cos(a)-(1+b/2)^2*(1-b)*(cos(a)+cos(x(2))))-x(3)*sin(c)=013576000*(sin(x(1))+(1+b/2)^2*(1-b)*sin(x(2)))-x(3)*cos(c)=0x(1)-(1+b/2)*(1-b)* 语文苏教版六年级上【天天练】第24和25课所有答案 明天交不上的话我就完了, 语文苏教版六年级上【天天练】第23课 明天交不上的话我就完了 拜托大哥大姐帮我填二道语文题.明天要交.第1题:运用右列词语写一段话,并运用一种修辞手法.(莽莽、分外、稍逊、沁人心脾).第2题:从右列词语中,任选三个词语写一段话,并运用一种或两 明天我要在语文课之前班上讲每日一说,我不知道该讲些什么好.就是由一句话,引出一个道理的.这句话越经典越好,道理也是.谢啦. 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿As some of the products,which are sampled are smoked or canned,thus possibly heat-treated,the influence of a higher temperature on the recovery of MG and LMG was studied as well.Salmon spiked at 35 m 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿LMG:隐色孔雀绿3 .Results and discussionStandard curves of the regressed concentration points gave squared correlation coefficients better than 0.9999 for each MG and LMG separate and as a mixture.The time interval 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿 Robustness of the method,which was apparently omitted in many method descriptions so far,was investigated.For that reason,chromatographic parameters of MG and LMG were determined on three different 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿The use of an LC–MS–MS system was then explored for the confirmation of HPLC analysis results.It was found that sensitivity was greatly improved with preservation of accuracy and preci-sion found