
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 07:16:35
#include int main ( void ){__int64 a,b;while ( scanf ( "%I64X %I64X",&a,&b ) = EOF ){b += a;if ( b < 0 ){b = -b;a = '-';}elsea = 0;if ( a )putchar ( a );printf ( "%I64X\n",b );}return 0;}b += a;if ( b < 0 ){b = -b;a = '-';}elsea = 0;if ( a )putchar ( 暑假作业:已知被除数是除数的十五倍,商是( ) It‘s Jane’s schoobag 变成What‘s schoolbag is it?有没有错?然后 The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang 变成 What is the boy in a white T-shirt?有没有错 it's【jane“s】bag划线部分提问 快啊,明天就要上课了...Sally is from 【the U.S.A.]→ The motion of the hands of a clock is mesmerizing.The second hand revolves once a minute,the minute hand revolves once an hour,and the hour hand revolves once every 12 hours.Have you ever wondered what the exact angles of the hands are at a given tim Jane thinks it's interesting.的问句 Trinary NumberTime Limit:1000MS Description Maybe you want to ask "What is the trinary numbers?" For example,Binary is based on two,while the decimal number is based on ten,so the trinary number is based on three.For example,the decimal number 3 is 1 Give you a number sequence,can you tell me between the i-th number and the j-th number,which is the maximum and which is the minimum?Input The first line of the input is N and Q.N(N< 2^17) is the number of integers and Q(Q < 2^17) is the number of qu BL always like to play a game called Greeeeedy.Firstly he get a number ,then he should divide the number using plus.But Greeeeedy game requal that the number exits in the formula be not larger than 3.For exemple:as get 5,then he can divide 4 like as 四面竹树环合的环意思 good怎么读?顾的 各的 还是够的?我读 顾得 软件识别不了啊.我找的音标发音 读的不清楚 好像有''额''音 ./U/怎么听着像是‘’额‘’ 如:good:古的 带林的成语有哪些 无论雪花怎样轻小,怎样奇妙万千,为什么它的结晶体都是有规律的六角形 Beliefs do not cross Do not cross here Use subway是什么意思 被除数、除数、商,有什么变化?(12÷3=4,120÷30=4……) 被除数与除数,商三者之和为120,商是3,被除数为多少,除数为多少. 被除数和除数和商的和是120,商是12,除数是多少,被除数和 5201314与5211314各代表什么意思,有啥区别?求达人解答, 任选一个数后怎样运算得5201314我以前看过一个有趣得运算,就是任选一个数字,经过加减乘除的一系列运算后就得5201314.可我忘了那运算过程,知道的请麻烦告诉我.是任一个数哦! 帮忙翻译下,机器上的一个部件,Cross Case 若AB互为倒数,AC互为相反数且/D/=2 则代数式 2 2 D - D(2分之A+AB+C) 的值为 若a、b互为倒数,c、d互为相反数,那么代数式(c+d)乘a分之b减ab的值为多少? 不是说arrive后加at后面加小地方吗,句子I arrive at four 这个句子中的at的词性是什么,是跟前面,还是后 短信发来的: 5211314什么意思?我是不知道 他们说的5211314是什么意思 5211314的意思是什么? 《我的发现》怎么写?有什么题材?主要要写发现过程.各位哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨女士先生帮帮忙, 我要写作文,题目是《我的发现》,应该怎么写?字数400字左右说具体点,把大概的内容写出来,5分钟后给我.求你了 那个星星表情怎么弄?